Issue #6696
pulp_installer fails to run "Collect static content" task when pulp_source_dir is set
Installer - Moved to GitHub issues
Either needs to be a documented incompatibility and issue an error, or needs to run the correct steps when galaxy_ng is installed and the UI must be part of the installation.
This is not a problem for most uses but will be an issue if we need to test unreleased changes in pulpcore for QA purposes.
- hosts: all
secret_key: secret
content_origin: "http://{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
pulp_default_admin_password: password
pulp-ansible: {}
galaxy-ng: {}
pulp-container: {}
- pulp-database
- pulp-workers
- pulp-resource-manager
- pulp-webserver
- pulp-content
Not Working:
- hosts: all
secret_key: secret
content_origin: "http://{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
pulp_default_admin_password: password
pulp-ansible: {}
galaxy-ng: {}
pulp-container: {}
pulp_source_dir: "git+"
- pulp-database
- pulp-workers
- pulp-resource-manager
- pulp-webserver
- pulp-content
- Triaged changed from No to Yes
- Sprint set to Sprint 72
- Category set to Installer - Moved to GitHub issues
- Tags deleted (
Pulp 3 installer)
- Sprint changed from Sprint 72 to Sprint 73
- Sprint changed from Sprint 73 to Sprint 74
- Status changed from NEW to CLOSED - WORKSFORME
This problem occurs when the user/group owner of the directory that contains the git source code does not match the 'pulp_user' or 'pulp_group'. This permissions mismatch causes the installer to not behave as expected.
It seems to me that your use case will most likely be alleviated by this issue:
- Status changed from CLOSED - WORKSFORME to NEW
- Triaged changed from Yes to No
What I suggest we do instead is to have a separate variable under pulp_install_plugins, and for pulpcore, like "vcs_url" / "pulp_vcs_url" . If defined, the plugin / pulpcore will be cloned to the "source_dir" / "pulp_source_dir", then installed.
This is mentioned as an implementation here:
In the meantime, we document/accept this as a limitation.
- Related to Task #6547: pulp_installer: Add variables for molecule prepare.yml to clone the branches added
- Assignee set to
- Triaged changed from No to Yes
- Sprint changed from Sprint 74 to Sprint 84
- Tags Documentation added
- Sprint changed from Sprint 84 to Sprint 85
- Sprint changed from Sprint 85 to Sprint 86
- Sprint changed from Sprint 86 to Sprint 87
- Sprint changed from Sprint 87 to Sprint 88
- Sprint changed from Sprint 88 to Sprint 89
- Sprint changed from Sprint 89 to Sprint 90
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- Sprint changed from Sprint 94 to Sprint 95
- Sprint changed from Sprint 95 to Sprint 96
- Sprint changed from Sprint 96 to Sprint 97
- Sprint changed from Sprint 97 to Sprint 98
- Sprint changed from Sprint 98 to Sprint 99
- Sprint changed from Sprint 99 to Sprint 100
- Status changed from NEW to ASSIGNED
- Sprint changed from Sprint 100 to Sprint 101
- Sprint changed from Sprint 101 to Sprint 102
- Sprint changed from Sprint 102 to Sprint 103
- Sprint changed from Sprint 103 to Sprint 104
- Sprint changed from Sprint 104 to Sprint 105
- Sprint changed from Sprint 105 to Sprint 106
- Sprint changed from Sprint 106 to Sprint 107
- Sprint changed from Sprint 107 to Sprint 108
- Sprint changed from Sprint 108 to Sprint 109
- Sprint changed from Sprint 109 to Sprint 110
- Sprint changed from Sprint 110 to Sprint 111
- Sprint changed from Sprint 111 to Sprint 112
Also available in: Atom