Issue #6121
closedSyncs of very large repositories take longer than Pulp 2
Added by dalley almost 5 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.
A Pulp 2 immediate-mode sync of 150,000 files using this repository [0] takes 37.5 minutes
With Pulp 3, the same sync takes about 3x as long (about 2 hours).
An on_demand sync of the same repo in Pulp 3 takes about 90 minutes, still much longer than Pulp 2.
The first 50k files seem sync roughly as fast as they do for Pulp 2, but once the number grows higher to progress starts being made very very noticeably slower than at the beginning.
sync-file-perf-cprofile.txt (195 KB) sync-file-perf-cprofile.txt | The output is ordered by cumtime | lmjachky, 02/21/2020 04:17 PM | |
sync-file-perf-cprofile.out (244 KB) sync-file-perf-cprofile.out | gprof2dot -f pstats sync-file-perf-cprofile.out | dot -Tpng -o output.png | lmjachky, 02/21/2020 04:17 PM | |
feb28-fix.out (240 KB) feb28-fix.out | lmjachky, 02/28/2020 11:42 AM | ||
feb28-fix.png (1.04 MB) feb28-fix.png | lmjachky, 02/28/2020 11:42 AM | ||
feb28-master.png (585 KB) feb28-master.png | lmjachky, 02/28/2020 11:42 AM | ||
feb28-master.out (239 KB) feb28-master.out | lmjachky, 02/28/2020 11:42 AM |
Related issues
Updated by dalley almost 5 years ago
- Subject changed from Immediate mode syncs of very large repositories fail to Syncs of very large repositories take longer than Pulp 2
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by daviddavis almost 5 years ago
- Related to Issue #6104: pulp_file performance test takes too long for Travis added
Updated by daviddavis almost 5 years ago
Once we fix this performance problem, we should increase the number of files in the file-perf fixture. We had to decrease the number to 20K due to timeouts in Travis[0].
Updated by fao89 almost 5 years ago
- Triaged changed from No to Yes
- Sprint set to Sprint 66
Updated by fao89 almost 5 years ago
I believe the solution for performance problems is to make StagesAPI customized by plugin users, on the past, batches had a maximum size of 100 and a minimum of 50, with this PR I increased the minimum to 500 and maximum to 1000: For a repo with 150000 files, we will use StagesAPI machinery about 150 times, so I think the batch size should be larger. I think in 2 options:
- Make it adjustable by the user/plugin
- Define batch size as a fraction of the total content, like 10%
Updated by bmbouter almost 5 years ago
Is my understanding correct that policy='on_demand' or policy='streamed' performance of Pulp3 is faster than Pulp2? And this ticket is for policy='immediate' only?
Updated by bmbouter almost 5 years ago
As a next step on this I believe we need to return to profiling a pre-built test. If we needd to load Pulp up with a lot of units first we can do that too, but we need to understand with cprofile where the time is going. Is the increase in units increasing the postgresql query runtime. If so which queries are taking the longest and can we optimize those?
In terms of batching, currently the batch size is configurable so I think it's mostly around setting the right default. The larger the batch the larger the memory usage of that stage so we need to be careful to not load it up too much. This is why I think we should set the value and not make it variable based on the unit counts in the entire repo.
Updated by lmjachky almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from NEW to ASSIGNED
- Assignee set to lmjachky
Updated by lmjachky almost 5 years ago
- File sync-file-perf-cprofile.txt sync-file-perf-cprofile.txt added
- File sync-file-perf-cprofile.out sync-file-perf-cprofile.out added
I have attached the output of cprofile. I ran performance tests for the plugin pulp_file on my local machine and profiled the sync. There were loaded 20,000 files into Pulp where each of the files had a size of 50 bytes.
This is just a status update. I will continue working on the issue and I will try to increase a number of files to see how the performance changes over time with the additional load.
Added by Lubos Mjachky almost 5 years ago
Updated by lmjachky almost 5 years ago
- File feb28-fix.png feb28-fix.png added
- File feb28-fix.out feb28-fix.out added
- File feb28-master.png feb28-master.png added
- File feb28-master.out feb28-master.out added
I concur that syncs of very large repositories take a tremendous amount of time. I tried to sync a repository which contains 200k units. With the current version of pulpcore, the sync took more than 130 minutes even on a powerful machine.
-> Sync tasks => Waiting time (s): 6.965342 | Service time (s): 8330.099087
-> Resync tasks => Waiting time (s): 0.048282 | Service time (s): 2413.934992
-> Publication tasks => Waiting time (s): 0.047476 | Service time (s): 230.289603
-> Distribution tasks => Waiting time (s): 0.046366 | Service time (s): 0.103166
I observed that the most time is consumed by the method __iter__
of the class FlatValuesListIterable
. The problematic part is shown below (
to_add = set(content.values_list('pk', flat=True))
for existing in batch_qs(self.content.order_by('pk').values_list('pk', flat=True)):
to_add = to_add - set(existing.all())
I replaced these lines by one database call ( and the performance improved drastically.
-> Sync tasks => Waiting time (s): 0.052631 | Service time (s): 2304.212409
-> Resync tasks => Waiting time (s): 0.051633 | Service time (s): 2425.380134
-> Publication tasks => Waiting time (s): 0.047535 | Service time (s): 229.94097
-> Distribution tasks => Waiting time (s): 0.047981 | Service time (s): 0.103984
Updated by dalley almost 5 years ago
Great work, that is a huge improvement! It's interesting that resyncs take a little longer than syncs, maybe there's still room to improve that (as part of a separate issue)
Updated by Anonymous almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from ASSIGNED to MODIFIED
Applied in changeset pulpcore|fdaa07183843e40654e765d25a77a9897740bbd9.
Updated by ttereshc almost 5 years ago
- Sprint/Milestone set to 3.3.0
Fetch excluded content directly from the database
fixes #6121