Story #5510
I would like to have an option to associate key-value pair to repository - former "Notes" field in Pulp 2
When we distribute official RH repositories in RHUI, we are providing them with GPG keys to validate signature of RPMs present in them. It makes sense to have this information connected to particular repository as there are options to have custom repositories with RPMs that are not signed.
Original Pulp 2 field looks like this:
{'_repo-type': 'rpm-repo',
'redhat-gpg-key': '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release'},
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Skullman - Is this the only use case for this field? Please ping us when are ready to start collaborating on the solution for this and we'll make sure all use cases are understood before we figure out a solution.
We have a feature request to be able to sign and verify content. That feature has not been prioritized, but if such a feature is required by multiple stakeholders, we may want to look at providing this within Pulp vs. just providing the ability to store a gpg key.
From RHUI team: key/value labeling of repositories is a must for RHUI4, as we need a way to store couple of attributes on per-repository basis:
- GPG key used for contained RPMs, if any
- base_path this repo is published under
- checksum_type (SHA1 or SHA256)
- repository group ("Red Hat", "custom", but could be few others)
- boolean whether this repo is protected and needs a cert to be accessed
- custom entitlement path for custom repos
There might be a couple of others as well that could pop up during the RHUI4 development.
- base_path this repo is published under
- checksum_type (SHA1 or SHA256)
- boolean whether this repo is protected and needs a cert to be accessed
These seem like they can be handled through the relationship of distribution and "publish settings" attached to the repository.
- Status changed from NEW to CLOSED - CURRENTRELEASE
This should be solved by #7127. Please file a new issue or reopen this one if for some reason object labels don't fully meet your needs.
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