Task #2090
closedCreate a plan for user/auth in 3.0
This task is largely to determine if we should use django's built-in auth plus the auth in django-rest-framework. Hopefully yes, because using it gets us a lot for free, including easy integration with tools like django-admin.
This task is successful when reasonable answers to the below questions have been agreed on, and tasks have been created that cover at least the next steps, if not all of the work required.
Below are notes from the team on this subject:
Hopefully we can just replace what we have with django's auth.
Q: Will it meet user needs?
Q: If not, do we need to introduce a more detailed framework like Django Guardian? (https://github.com/lukaszb/django-guardian )
Q: Will we need to add custom authz logic? What's the scope?
Q: To what extent can/should we migrate existing authz data? Perhaps we should just not.
+1 to not doing this now, but we look at porting the data after we have the new one implemented. In other words, we could green-field use django's auth and decide later.
Q: What authn mechanisms will we support? ssl certs? cookies? basic? other? What work is involved for us to make these happen vs. what can django do out of the box?
Q: What will be our integration story with freeipa?
We could use generic Kerberos integration to work. Not only should it work in theory, but I believe rbarlow successfully tested a user patch for kerberos support against a freeipa based kerberos. One area then should be adding/testing Kerberos support from the start.
django-rest-framework (DRF) has pluggable auth, so DRF resources might be useful for implementing authnz features in the API:
Related issues
Updated by mhrivnak over 8 years ago
- Blocks Task #2091: Create a plan for the REST API in 3.0 added
Updated by amacdona@redhat.com over 8 years ago
While finishing user/auth does block finishing 3.0 Rest API, I don't think that this plan should block the planning for the rest API (2091)
Updated by mhrivnak over 8 years ago
We at least need to decide if and how we will use the auth features of django-rest-framework. I certainly agree that planning the REST API can begin before this task is done, but I don't think we can call #2091 complete until this one is complete.
Updated by mhrivnak over 8 years ago
That said, I'd rather have this groomed than worry about blocking relationships, so I'm ok removing it if people are otherwise happy with it. Any other feedback?
Updated by ipanova@redhat.com over 8 years ago
Can we just keep them related so we would at least keep in mind that these 2 piece of work are dependent?
Updated by bmbouter over 8 years ago
FYI, maybe a helpful read for this topic
Updated by ttereshc over 8 years ago
This comment is just to express interest in working with someone on this or related to the user/auth issues.
For now I will try to figure out what we have/need and read/research on related topics.
Updated by amacdona@redhat.com over 8 years ago
It will not be possible to do a 1 to 1 migration because the Django ContentType system is inherently different than our "resource" based permissions system. I think it is probably worth going forward saying "we will not support migration of users/auth". This will give us the freedom to really do it right without having to worry about backwards compatibility of any kind. After implementing our new system, it might be worth it to create some helper scripts to ease the pain without making promises.
Some things that I think we probably could do:
- Migration of User objects should be trivial, but doing this without permissions is only limited value so it should not be run by default.
- Resources that point to a specific object. We might be able to use our Django url regexes to identify which objects a user has been given explicit permissions for, and convert them into the new style object permissions. Example: The resource '/repositories/zoo/' would translate to having permissions over the zoo repo object.
- We should also be able to add permissions for users with permissions over all objects. For example, if a user has permissions over the '/repositories/' resource, they would have access to all repository objects.
Perhaps our best option would be to encourage our users to generate their own scripts and share them, leaving us completely out of it.
Updated by bmbouter over 8 years ago
+1 to modeling the new user stuff without being concerned about porting data. As you mention, after we get the new user model done we can find ways to migrate the data later.
Updated by mhrivnak over 8 years ago
- Blocks deleted (Task #2091: Create a plan for the REST API in 3.0)
Updated by ttereshc over 8 years ago
Some thoughts:
User needs¶
I assume that user needs are defined by what we have now + what users use and ask for.
Currently the following options are available.
For authn:
- login/password in Pulp
- SSL certs (Pulp performs client cert validation against CA)
- various forms of authn configured in Apache (Basic auth, LDAP, Kerberos, ...)
so that Pulp does not deal with authn
For authz:
- users and roles(=user groups) having access permissions to a particular resources (identified by URI)
Common authn use case:
- use some form of authn configured in Apache as a first step towards obtaining client-side SSL cert
issued by Pulp subsequently used for authn performed jointly by Apache and Pulp
It is hard to estimate how heavily users/roles/permissions are used now.
Users' feedback ["[0]":https://www.redhat.com/archives/pulp-list/2016-July/msg00046.html\], ["[1]":https://www.redhat.com/archives/pulp-list/2016-July/msg00047.html\] which includes requests for:
- ability to configure multiple forms of authn easily
- introduce access permissions for a group of the repositories so that users would be permitted
to add/update/delete not all repositories but only inside this group
Hopefully we can just replace what we have with django's auth.¶
Q: Will it meet user needs?
Unless additional plugins are involved -- probably no.
For authn:
- login/password authn by Pulp/Django will work out of the box
- client side validation against Pulp CA may be moved to Apache(?) or may be there was a reason to do it that way
- various forms of authn:
- could be the same as before - configuration in Apache
- this approach gives flexibility to the user (most types of authn supported by Apache could be configured)
- configuring several authn methods at a time may complicate Apache configuration
- could alternatively be performed by Django using third-party or Pulp-custom authn backends
- it is argueably harder to add new Django authn backend than to configure another Apache authn
- multiple authn backends can be used
- most of the authn methods are already implemented as plugins to Django in the form of custom authn backends
- could be the same as before - configuration in Apache
For authz:
- out of the box only model-level permissions can be set (e.g. access to Repository model)
- to grant access to a particular repo for example, object-level (instance-level) permissions should be used,
there are several implementations available including django-guardian
Default Django User model has a number of limitations including length of the username which is 30 characters at most.
We do not know the max length of the username currently used and for various forms of authn 30 chars may not be enough,
if e-mail is used as a username, for example.
So custom User model will likely be needed.
Q: If not, do we need to introduce a more detailed framework like Django Guardian? (https://github.com/lukaszb/django-guardian)¶
I think so, because model-level permissions are not enough, we need object-level ones as well.
Q: Will we need to add custom authz logic? What's the scope?¶
In most cases features form all the auth plugins which we are going to use (like django-guardian) will be enough.
I have some concerns in regards to how manageable those users/groups/permissions are and how easy would be
to accidentally assign inconsistent permissions.
One can grant conflicting permissions to the user and their expectations may differ from the way Django handles it.
Maybe just a detailed documentation on this topic will be sufficient.
Another potential customization to think about: how to grant permissions for a group of objects (asked by Kodiak)
with possibility to add/modify/remove objects from this group.
Q: What authn mechanisms will we support? ssl certs? cookies? basic? other?¶
What work is involved for us to make these happen vs. what can django do out of the box?
It would be good to provide users with various number of authn mechanisms.
It looks like SSL certs are used by our users.
Client session ID or signed token (stored as cookie) could be a more lightweight way than SSL certs to aim the same
goal - not to require login/password auth on each request(?).
Theoretically, cookies are vulnerable to stealing (AKA man in the middle attack) while SSL certs are not.
However, the way Pulp currently operates renders SSL security to cookie strength -- problem is that client private key
is being generated by Pulp and sent down to client (along with the cert), afaik.
Some details on session ID vs tokens.
Django has two auth backends, one is for Django auth and the other is for external auth with REMOTE_USER being set by Apache in our case.
Other auth backends can be implemented and added if needed.
Most likely there is already an implementation of one or the other authn mechanism which we may want to add,
so hopefully there is not so much work is involved for us to add another auth mechanism.
Any ideas on what authn mechanisms are mostly used? Just Basic auth? LDAP+Basic auth? LDAP+Kerberos?
What authn mechanisms we have to support and what are the nice-to-have ones?
I would also appreciate someone telling me a little bit more about content authentication mechanisms in Pulp. I am not sure I fully understand them yet. ;)
Updated by mhrivnak over 8 years ago
This is a great start. Thanks @tteresch ! I'll add some thoughts and reactions in no particular order:
For the user model, it's a shame that the username field is likely a deal-breaker. We probably want to just use a TextField without a size limit. Are we ready to make a task to create a new user model in django? Here are docs about how to do it:
and how to make it compatible with django-admin:
For authz, we need some research, but it seems like one of the lower priority items for this overall task. Creating users and logging in are the first two things that need to be implemented.
For authn, client SSL certs are awesome, but not very common for web apps and services. I'd be very happy seeing pulp move to something more widely used for general web app authn. What do our peer projects do? Katello, foreman, candlepin, RHEV, ManageIQ, Openshift, etc. have all had to solve this problem. Hopefully we can make cross-project integration easier by participating in the same authn ecosystem as them. I think the next step here is to query some of those projects, and maybe also query the freeipa folks for their best practice suggestions.
Content auth is completely separate. This is the way in which we require a client such as yum to present an entitlement certificate when trying to access yum repositories. The way in which this authn and authz happens will continue to be driven by candlepin, and we are just along for the ride as enforcers.
Updated by amacdona@redhat.com over 8 years ago
- Related to Task #946: Develop a plan to improve Pulp's authentication offerings added
Updated by rglaue over 8 years ago
Please note, SessionIds in cookies are not RESTfully compliant, because the client's authorization is stored on the server.
See Also: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6068113/do-sessions-really-violate-restfulness
We want to keep Basic Auth - we use it alot for one-off tasks. However, we'd love to have something more REST friendly, like JSON Web Tokens (JWT), that we can use in place of Basic Auth.
JWT is RESTfully compliant. It is stateless because "...the token is a self-contanined entity that conveys all the user information."
See Also: http://blog.brainattica.com/restful-json-api-jwt-go/
We can have the JWT support from the django-rest-framework-jwt project for the Django REST framework.
For us, the REST API is very important. We use it to integrate Pulp with Jenkins for Continuous Integration.
We currently use cert-based auth for connections from our continuous integration environment, managed by Jenkins.
JWT is also usable.
Also, with REST, we can build a RESTful WebUI on top: https://github.com/marmelab/ng-admin.git (Basic Auth and JWT are supported)
Updated by bmbouter over 8 years ago
- Related to Story #227: [RFE] Allow wildcards in permissions added
Updated by bmbouter over 8 years ago
- Has duplicate Task #1874: Plan User/Auth system for 3.0 added
Updated by ttereshc over 8 years ago
- Status changed from NEW to ASSIGNED
- Assignee set to ttereshc
Updated by ttereshc over 8 years ago
- Related to Task #2243: Create custom django User model added
Updated by ttereshc over 8 years ago
authentication proposal https://www.redhat.com/archives/pulp-dev/2016-September/msg00049.html
Updated by ttereshc over 8 years ago
- Related to Task #2356: Add serializer for the user model added
Updated by ttereshc over 8 years ago
- Related to Task #2357: Add a user ViewSet added
Updated by ttereshc over 8 years ago
- Related to Story #2358: As a user, I can authenticate with username and password stored in Pulp added
Updated by ttereshc over 8 years ago
- Related to Story #2359: As a user, I can use JWT tokens for authenticaton added
Updated by ttereshc over 8 years ago
- Related to Task #2360: Create a plan for user authorization in 3.y added
Updated by ttereshc about 8 years ago
- Related to Story #2361: As a user, I can authenticate using an external authority added
Updated by ttereshc about 8 years ago
- Related to Story #2366: As a user, my password can be expired added
Updated by ttereshc about 8 years ago
- Related to Story #2367: As a user, I can configure the expiration period for JWT tokens added
Updated by ttereshc about 8 years ago
- Duplicating here the authentication proposal as a result of this task: https://www.redhat.com/archives/pulp-dev/2016-September/msg00049.html
- Task #2360 for tracking authorization plans created.
- All the stories for implementing user authentication created and linked to this task.
Updated by ttereshc about 8 years ago
- Related to deleted (Story #227: [RFE] Allow wildcards in permissions)