Task #3991
closedStory #3990: As a user, I can "docker pull" from a registry hosted by Pulp
Add a DockerPublisher and DockerDistribution models, serializers, and viewsets
DockerPublisher model needs to inherit from pulpcore.plugin.models.Publisher.
The ViewSet for the DockerPublisher needs to implement a detail route for 'publish' endpoint. This view needs to accept a repository or repository version URL. It returns a 202 and dispatches a publish task.
DockerDistribution model needs to inherit from pulpcore.plugin.models.BaseDistribution.
A DockerDistribution defines the URLs (paths) under which a publication is distributed. DockerDistributions also define which publications are live (visible for consumption).
The DockerDistribution ViewSet needs to allow users to create, retrieve, update, and delete DockerDistributions.
Related issues
Problem: Distribution is not available as an abstract model
Solution: Add a BaseDistribution for plugin writers to use
This patch adds an abstract BaseDistribution model to the plugin api.
re: #3991 https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3991