


Task #3991

Updated by almost 6 years ago

DockerPublisher model needs to inherit from pulpcore.plugin.models.Publisher. 

 The ViewSet for the DockerPublisher needs to implement a detail route for 'publish' endpoint. This view needs to accept a repository or repository version URL. It returns a 202 and dispatches a publish task. 

 DockerDistribution model needs to inherit from pulpcore.plugin.models.Model.  

 A _DockerDistribution_ defines the URLs (paths) under which a publication is distributed, by which protocols and likely how access is authorized.    DockerDistributions also define which publications are _live_ (visible for consumption). 

 * [pk] *id* - The primary key. 
 * [fk] *repository_id* - An (optional) repository.    When set, the publication is updated whenever a new publication is created by a publisher (for the specified repository). 
 * [fk] *publisher_id* - An (optional) publisher.    When set, the publication is updated whenever a new publication is created by the publisher (for the specified repository). 
 * [fk] *publication_id* - An (optional) publication (mutable). 
 * *name* - The    distribution name (Eg: rawhide, stable).  
 * *base_path* - The base path for the publication.    This is the root of the path component of URLs. 
 * *http* - HTTP is enabled (bool).    The distribution is served by pulp using HTTP. 
 * *https* - HTTPS is enabled (bool).    The distribution is served by pulp using HTTPS.  

 The DockerDistribution ViewSet needds to allow users to create, retrieve, update, and delete DockerDistributions.  
