


Story #2872


As an authenticated user, I can create a Content unit from one or more artifacts

Added by over 7 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Platform Release:
Sprint Candidate:
Sprint 23


For an API user to create a Content unit, Pulp 3 needs to have the following:

- the ContentArtifact "through" model[0] for Content and Artifact. It contains a ForeignKey field pointing to Artifact and another one pointing to Content. It also contains a relative path char field. All three are required and can not be null. The combination of 3 is a uniqueness constraint.
- the Content model with an artifacts ManyToManyField pointing to Artifact through ContentArtifact.
- viewset that can handle CRD operations for Content.
- serializer for the viewset which will return all serialized fields of the Content model including the artifacts.
- API endpoint at /api/v3/content/units/
- POST request to the /api/v3/content/units/ endpoint creates Content. The body of the request contains a dictionary that looks like the following:

    "artifacts": [{
        "< artifact >": "< relative_path >"
    }, {
        "< artifact2 >": "< relative_path2 >"
    "notes": {}

First a new Content instance is created with notes from the payload. Then the 'artifacts' from the payload are used to create ContentArtifact instances that reference the new Content.

- GET request to the /api/v3/content/units/<content unit id> returns serialized Content

- DELETE request to the /api/v3/content/units/<content unit id>/ raises an exception if the Artifact is still associated with any Repository. The exception should provide a list of Repositories still associated with the Artifact. If an exception is not raised, Artifact is removed from the database.

- PUT/PATCH requests to the /api/v3/content/units/<content unit id>/ raises an exception (409 unsupported method)


Related issues

Blocks Pulp - Task #2893: Add Publication and Distribution models.CLOSED -

Blocks Pulp - Task #2942: Refit ChangeSet to work with content model changes.CLOSED -

Actions #1

Updated by over 7 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #2

Updated by bizhang over 7 years ago

  • Tags Pulp 3 Plugin Writer Alpha added
Actions #3

Updated by over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from NEW to ASSIGNED
  • Assignee set to
Actions #4

Updated by over 7 years ago

  • Related to Task #2893: Add Publication and Distribution models. added
Actions #5

Updated by mhrivnak over 7 years ago

- the ContentArtifact "through" model0 for Content and Artifact. It contains a ForeignKey field pointing to Artifact and another one pointing to Content. It also contains a relative path char field. All three are required and can not be null. The combination of 3 is a uniqueness constraint.

This would allow the same artifact to be associated to a Content unit more than once at different paths. I think that makes sense, and may in some cases even be a requirement. It's just worth pointing out.

- POST request to the /api/v3/content/units/ endpoint creates Content. The body of the request contains a dictionary that looks like the following:

What would be at just the /api/v3/content/ endpoint? Can we just drop the "units" segment, or is there something different we have in mind for the content/ collection?

Based on how the master/detail stuff works, I'd expect that the easiest option will be to have a client POST to a detail endpoint, which could likely handle the creation transparently with DRF glue. For example, /api/v3/content/units/file/ It's possible we could make an endpoint at units/ that knows how to grab the corresponding detail classes and use them, but the above would probably work out-of-the-box.

- DELETE request to the /api/v3/content/units/<content unit id>/ raises an exception if the Artifact is still associated with any Repository. The exception should provide a list of Repositories still associated with the Artifact. If an exception is not raised, Artifact is removed from the database.

This could be its own story.

Actions #6

Updated by over 7 years ago

grooming for alpha.

Actions #7

Updated by over 7 years ago

  • Groomed changed from No to Yes
Actions #8

Updated by mhrivnak over 7 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to High
Actions #9

Updated by mhrivnak over 7 years ago

  • Sprint/Milestone set to 41
Actions #10

Updated by over 7 years ago

  • Related to deleted (Task #2893: Add Publication and Distribution models.)
Actions #11

Updated by over 7 years ago

  • Blocks Task #2893: Add Publication and Distribution models. added
Actions #12

Updated by mhrivnak over 7 years ago

  • Sprint/Milestone changed from 41 to 42
Actions #13

Updated by over 7 years ago

  • Blocks Task #2942: Refit ChangeSet to work with content model changes. added
Actions #14

Updated by over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from ASSIGNED to POST

Content REST API changes:
BasicFileImporter that uses the updated models:

Added by over 7 years ago

Revision 2ad1c414 | View on GitHub

Problem: Content can not be created using REST API

Solution: Add viewset and serializers to serve Content creation API

This patch also introduces a DeferredArtifact that will be used by importers that want to support deferred download policies. This model replaces the DownloadCatalog model. However, DownloadCatalog was not removed as part of this patch because it is referenced by the changesets. The changesets will be updated in a separate commit and the DownloadCatalog will be removed then.

This patch also includes a fix for the artifact_pre_delete signal which should have been updated when the Artifact model changed.

This patch also introduces additional base viewsets for models that don't need update() implemented. REST API for both Artifact and Content resources does not support updates.

closes #2872

Added by over 7 years ago

Revision 2ad1c414 | View on GitHub

Problem: Content can not be created using REST API

Solution: Add viewset and serializers to serve Content creation API

This patch also introduces a DeferredArtifact that will be used by importers that want to support deferred download policies. This model replaces the DownloadCatalog model. However, DownloadCatalog was not removed as part of this patch because it is referenced by the changesets. The changesets will be updated in a separate commit and the DownloadCatalog will be removed then.

This patch also includes a fix for the artifact_pre_delete signal which should have been updated when the Artifact model changed.

This patch also introduces additional base viewsets for models that don't need update() implemented. REST API for both Artifact and Content resources does not support updates.

closes #2872

Actions #15

Updated by over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from POST to MODIFIED
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
Actions #16

Updated by bmbouter about 7 years ago

  • Tags deleted (Pulp 3 Plugin Writer Alpha)

Cleaning up Redmine tags

Actions #19

Updated by bmbouter almost 7 years ago

  • Sprint set to Sprint 23
Actions #20

Updated by bmbouter almost 7 years ago

  • Sprint/Milestone deleted (42)
Actions #21

Updated by daviddavis almost 6 years ago

  • Sprint/Milestone set to 3.0.0
Actions #22

Updated by bmbouter almost 6 years ago

  • Tags deleted (Pulp 3)
Actions #23

Updated by bmbouter about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from MODIFIED to CLOSED - CURRENTRELEASE

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