Task #1559
closedPulp's fedorapeople repository needs to distribute pymongo >= 3.0.0
I've made a pull request for Issue #1528 which makes Pulp work with pymongo >= 3.0.0, but it also makes it so that Pulp does not work with pymongo < 3.0.0. Pulp currently distributes pymongo 2.7.something in its fedorapeople.org repository.
The work in this task is to package pymongo >= 3.0.0 (Rawhide currently has pymongo 3.2 so that might be a good version to go with) and build it in koji.katello.org so that it can be distributed with Pulp 2.8.0.
Getting this done sooner rather than later would be advantageous for identifying any issues that were not solved in #1528. This and #1528 also need to be done in coordination because #1528 cannot be merged without pymongo 3 being available (as the development environment will have issues) and this cannot be completed without merging #1528 (as the master branch of Pulp doesn't work with 3.0.0).
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