Story #5657
closedStory #5132: [Epic] As a user, I can consume Pulp 3 from
pulp-operator should deploy nginx as the Pulp Webserver
Added by over 5 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.
It needs to include:
- Pulp Plugin snippets
- AutomationHub WebUI (needs confirmation that it gets installed on the Pulp webserver)
Hopefully we can use the generic nginx container, a year ago it would not support the logic in our plugin snippets though.
Related issues
Updated by almost 5 years ago
I started implementing this:
But stopped due to time, and needing to focus more narrowly on setting content_origin:
Updated by almost 5 years ago
- Related to Task #6057: [EPIC] Introduce custom plugin snippets for custom apache and nginx routes added
Updated by fao89 over 4 years ago
- Category set to Operator - Moved to Github Issues
Updated by almost 4 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
Updated by almost 4 years ago
- Subject changed from pulp-operator should use nginx and possibly other K8s ingresses to pulp-operator should deploy nginx as the Pulp Webserver
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by chambridge almost 4 years ago
My thinking around this story is that we would deploy an nginx with a mounted configmap volume.
This config map would provide the ./nginx.conf and ./nginx-cfg/*.conf files
If we want to allow for some flexibility here the custom resource would need to have a section for the proxy where a config map could be mounted. Then that information would just be used during the deployment.
Automation hub current specifies the following:
The question I have here is what would the default nginx config look like? Some entries to pulp-api and pulp-content?
Updated by fao89 almost 4 years ago
I believe single container is the simplest example, We have a basic nginx.conf, and we include everything in pulp dir:
each plugin has its own snippet and we move it to nginx:
as an example, here is the pulp_ansible snippet:
Updated by almost 4 years ago
Chris, very good idea.
Just note that the snippets canonically live in the plugins though, files within pip packages installed on the pulp container image. And the pulp-operator upstream will have many different possible plugins with different snippets. Do you have a strategy for getting them into the configmap?
And yeah, what Fabricio pointed to.
Updated by chambridge almost 4 years ago
So from what I'm reading there isn't an existing image for the web server. There isn't anything in quay:
So from the default experience we should decide what we'd want to deliver for pulp-operator upstream. I see 2 options: A) Use nginx default with the a config map only mounting with no plugins B) Create a container similar to the CI containers that installs all the plugins and again mounting a config map with the nginx snippets for the used plugins
The CRD would have a proxy section with an image attribute and the volume mount mentioned above.
The image attribute would allow consumers to provide their nginx container where the pulp plugin has been installed; upstream via pip; downstream via rpm.
Updated by fao89 almost 4 years ago
FYI, the nginx conf we provide on pulp_installer is more complex:
I think if we decide to have something "usable" as fast as we can, I would go with option B and the simpler nginx conf we have at
I particularly vote for going simple for now and addressing requests from users in the future
Updated by almost 4 years ago
chambridge wrote:
So from what I'm reading there isn't an existing image for the web server. There isn't anything in quay:
Correct, we haven't implemented it yet.
Quay has images built as part of pulp-operator's tree
So from the default experience we should decide what we'd want to deliver for pulp-operator upstream. I see 2 options: A) Use nginx default with the a config map only mounting with no plugins B) Create a container similar to the CI containers that installs all the plugins and again mounting a config map with the nginx snippets for the used plugins
The CRD would have a proxy section with an image attribute and the volume mount mentioned above.
The image attribute would allow consumers to provide their nginx container where the pulp plugin has been installed; upstream via pip; downstream via rpm.
Let's go with B. Base the container image on the image used to build the all-4-services "pulp" image. An additional layer with the webserver.
Updated by pulpbot almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from NEW to POST
Added by chambridge almost 4 years ago
Updated by chambridge almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from POST to MODIFIED
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset pulp-operator|1ecf4cf669f8ed7e9189a6b19d84be4efa245ea7.
Add deployment of nginx webserver with pulp snippets
fixes #5657