Task #1397
closedNightly testing pipeline
We currently build our packages every night. We produce packages from all of our branches. This task outlines the work that needs to be done to test the packages on nightly basis using pulp-smash.
Nightly jobs pipeline will consist of the following:
- Build packages using each -dev branch and master branch and publish to fedorapeople.org/pulp/pulp/testing/automation directory.
- For each version of Pulp built in previous:
- Reserve a jenkins node running a vanilla image of EL6, EL7, Fedora 22, Fedora 23.
- Enable the testing repositories and update all packages (or not use "testing" repos if there are known issues)
- Install Pulp from fedorapeople.org nightly repositories
- Deploy pulp-smash on a node running Fedora 23 image
- Run pulp-smash aginst Pulp
Currently all of our Jenkins node types have a lot of dependencies already installed on them to facilitate testing with unit tests. To do the kind of integration testing described above we should add very plain Jenkins nodes to our infrastructure. We already have Jenkins jobs that can deploy pulp-smash on a Fedora 23 node and run it against any hostname provided.
Related issues
Updated by jcline@redhat.com about 9 years ago
For the sake of clarity, when you say "- Deploys Pulp 2.* stable on [platform] - testing repos enabled - and runs pulp-smash", you mean the fedora-updates-testing repository, correct?
Updated by dkliban@redhat.com about 9 years ago
That is correct ... that is what I meant by "Enable the testing repositories and update all packages" in the section above. The idea is to test packages that are coming down the pipeline and flag any that will cause a problem for Pulp.
I'll update the wording.
Updated by bmbouter about 9 years ago
This writeup can probably eliminate this one: https://pulp.plan.io/issues/1083
Updated by dkliban@redhat.com over 7 years ago
- Is duplicate of Task #1083: Configure Jenkins to auto-test stable pulp against "current fedoras" using -testing fedora repo added
Updated by dkliban@redhat.com over 7 years ago
- Status changed from NEW to CLOSED - DUPLICATE