


Refactor #131


Move pulp.server.db.connection.initialize() calls exclusively to entry points

Added by bmbouter almost 10 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Platform Release:
Sprint Candidate:
Pulp 2
March 2015


The Problem
Throughout the production and test code for Pulp and its plugins there are many calls to pulp.server.db.connection.initialize(). Starting with Pulp 2.6.0, mongoengine caches the last initialized connection as the connection all database interaction will use. At test run-time can cause the testing database to mistakenly attach to the production database through liberal calls to connection.initialize() that occur without the server.conf being mocked. This causes horrible things to occur to Pulp development environments. Also, its sloppy to not have a structured way to connect to the database.

This also leads to a second problem which is that many of these calls to pulp.server.db.connection.initialize() are at the module level which means that simply by importing that code you are connecting to the database! A very unexpected side-effect that makes the above test-environment database switching occur depending on what you import. Ouch!

The goal
Move all of the pulp.server.db.connection.initialize() calls to the required entry point for all Pulp components to run. Each component that starts shall make exactly one call to pulp.server.db.connection.initialize() as part of the entry startup.

The Entry Points
We need to consider entry points for both the development and production uses where Pulp code will be run that need the database connection to already be initialized.

1. Each one of the entry point components above need to have exactly one call to pulp.server.db.connection.initialize()

2. All other calls to pulp.server.db.connection.initialize() needs to be removed. This includes all platform and all plugins. Search and destroy!

3. Rework pulp.server.db.connection.PulpCollectionFailure to be PulpDatabaseFailure instead.

4. pulp.server.db.connection.initialize() needs to have a behavior added that raises an Exception if it has already been called. This should enforce that a second call to initialize() will fail hard. Maybe have the exception live in the db.connection similar to PulpDatabaseFailure from step (3).

5. Add a behavior to get_collection() get_database() and get_connection() whereby if the database has not been initialized successfully a PulpDatabaseFailure (step 3) is raised. This will ensure that when the database is to be used initialize has been called at least 1 time.

6. Add test coverage for changes 2-5.

7. Fix up all unit tests likely by having them inherit from a new base class that will initialize the database as part of its setup. Many many unit tests will need to use this so that they receive a valid connection to the test database. A single call cannot be added to ./ or pulp.devel.test_runner because the call to subprocess which actually runs the tests will not contain the database state.

Testing Concerns
Any testing code should rely on the testing entry point to provide the call to connection.initialize(). A base class approach should be used so that tests can continue to be run using nosetests directly.

  • The WSGI scripts are so simple they likely don't need to be tested at all.
  • The celery worker entry point is also very simple and can likely not be tested.
  • The celerybeat entry point can be tested because it is guarded by scheduler.setup_schedules method. We can mock the connection.initialize() before we call setup_schedules().

Related issues

Related to Pulp - Task #989: Stop pulp from handing out uninitialized database connectionsCLOSED - WONTFIX


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