Story #801
closedAs a user, I can use the pulp API to check on the status of my Pulp deployment
(this story was originally rally story #US2840)
There are a lot of Pulp services to manage, especially on multi-machine installations. For correct operation some services need to be singletons, which further complicates starting Pulp correctly. This story is designed to use the status field of the API to give information about the state of the Pulp deployment. It should help the user answer the question "is Pulp online and ready?"
There are three main things to implement here:
1) Gather the state of the all celery workers, celerybeat, the resource manager, mongodb, and qpid
2) Evaluate the health of the data gathered in (1), and determine an overall status
3) Take the data from (1) and (2), and also include any errors and return them to the user as a json data structure
The availability of httpd returning a 200 OK monitors the availability of httpd implicitly
Also you'll need to:
Document this API call as the status field
Add a new, short section on monitoring Pulp which refers to the API docs
additional notes:
The /status call can be invoked via 'curl -k https://localhost/pulp/api/v2/status/', it does not require any auth.
The returned JSON should display the following:
- list of running workers
- the status of the qpid connection, via 'messaging_connection'
- the status of the mongo connection, via 'database_connection'
- the api version (this is a legacy item that's hard-coded to '2')
- the platform version under 'versions' (should be '2.6.0' for now)
If qpidd or mongo is started/stopped, the status on the returned info should change immediately.
More info is available at There is a small bug in the doc, the '500' response should not occur. I believe Ina is fixing that as part of a Django conversion.
Related issues
Updated by bmbouter almost 10 years ago
- Has duplicate Story #7: As an API user, I can see what workers are known to pulp added
Updated by almost 10 years ago
[root@sparks qpid]# curl -k https://localhost/pulp/api/v2/status/
{"known_workers": [{"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:47:39Z", "name": ""}, {"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:47:49Z", "name": ""}, {"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:47:48Z", "name": ""}, {"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:47:48Z", "name": ""}, {"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:47:48Z", "name": ""}, {"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:47:48Z", "name": ""}], "messaging_connection": {"connected": true}, "database_connection": {"connected": true}, "api_version": "2", "versions": {"platform_version": "2.6.0c10"}}[root@sparks qpid]#
[root@sparks qpid]#
[root@sparks qpid]#
[root@sparks qpid]#
[root@sparks qpid]#
[root@sparks qpid]# service qpidd stop
Stopping Qpid AMQP daemon: [ OK ]
[root@sparks qpid]#
[root@sparks qpid]#
[root@sparks qpid]# curl -k https://localhost/pulp/api/v2/status/
{"known_workers": [{"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:49:09Z", "name": ""}, {"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:50:34Z", "name": ""}, {"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:50:33Z", "name": ""}, {"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:50:33Z", "name": ""}, {"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:50:33Z", "name": ""}, {"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:50:33Z", "name": ""}], "messaging_connection": {"connected": false}, "database_connection": {"connected": true}, "api_version": "2", "versions": {"platform_version": "2.6.0c10"}}[root@sparks qpid]#
[root@sparks qpid]#
[root@sparks qpid]#
[root@sparks qpid]# service qpidd start
Starting Qpid AMQP daemon: [ OK ]
[root@sparks qpid]#
[root@sparks qpid]#
[root@sparks qpid]# curl -k https://localhost/pulp/api/v2/status/
{"known_workers": [{"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:50:39Z", "name": ""}], "messaging_connection": {"connected": true}, "database_connection": {"connected": true}, "api_version": "2", "versions": {"platform_version": "2.6.0c10"}}[root@sparks qpid]#
[root@sparks qpid]#
[root@sparks qpid]# curl -k https://localhost/pulp/api/v2/status/
{"known_workers": [{"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:50:39Z", "name": ""}, {"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:51:25Z", "name": ""}, {"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:51:25Z", "name": ""}, {"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:51:25Z", "name": ""}, {"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:51:25Z", "name": ""}, {"last_heartbeat": "2015-03-20T16:51:25Z", "name": ""}], "messaging_connection": {"connected": true}, "database_connection": {"connected": true}, "api_version": "2", "versions": {"platform_version": "2.6.0c10"}}[root@sparks qpid]#
[root@sparks qpid]#
Updated by almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from 5 to 6
[root@sparks qpid]# rpm -qa pulp-server
[root@sparks qpid]#
Updated by cduryee almost 10 years ago
- Sprint/Milestone set to 9
This got done awhile back, I believe it was completed in January. Setting milestone as such.
Updated by rbarlow almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from 6 to CLOSED - CURRENTRELEASE
Added by Fabricio Aguiar about 3 years ago
Added by Fabricio Aguiar about 3 years ago
Revision 56c4cb57 | View on GitHub
Fix pulpcore deploy dir
closes #801
Fix pulpcore deploy dir
closes #801