Issue #659
closedpulp_celerybeat does not start if python-saslwrapper is installed
Description of problem:
python-saslwrapper is a library that sits on top of sasl. It appears that if this library is installed, we get different errors back from SASL when the "plain" mechanism is not found. This results in python-kombu not skipping the plain mech and trying anonymous, which results in pulp_celerybeat and other services not starting.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): 2.6.0 beta 4, with python-kombu-3.0.24-3.pulp.el7.noarch
How reproducible: every time
Steps to Reproduce:
1. install pulp, and do not set "auth=no" in qpidd.conf
2. install python-saslwrapper
3. attempt to start pulp_celerybeat, log will contain errors
4. yum erase python-saslwrapper and restart pulp_celerybeat, log will not contain errors
Actual results:
lots of errors in pulp log:
celery.beat:ERROR: beat: Connection error: Error in sasl_client_start (-4) SASL (-4): no mechanism available: . Trying again in 32.0 seconds...
This will retry 100 times before attempting to try the ANONYMOUS mechanism.
Expected results:
you should see something like this in the log (normal startup):
kombu.transport.qpid:INFO: Connected to qpid with SASL mechanism ANONYMOUS
+ This bug was cloned from Bugzilla Bug #1182322 +
Updated by cduryee almost 10 years ago
+ This comment was cloned from Bugzilla #1182322 comment 1 +
Updated by cduryee almost 10 years ago
pulp 2.6.0 beta 5
+ This comment was cloned from Bugzilla #1182322 comment 2 +
Updated by almost 10 years ago
Jan 30 21:52:17 ibm-x3550m3-07 pulp: kombu.transport.qpid:INFO: Connected to qpid with SASL mechanism ANONYMOUS
+ This comment was cloned from Bugzilla #1182322 comment 3 +
Updated by rbarlow almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from 6 to CLOSED - CURRENTRELEASE
1659 - ISO Sync is not performed correctly if download policy was changed.
closes #659