Task #5619
closedpulp-rpm-prerequisites (git) and pulp.pulp_rpm_prerequisites (galaxy) are inconsistently named
If you clone "pulp-rpm-prerequisites" from github, it has dashes. You specify that quoted string in your vars file for the role name (prereq_role).
if you install it from ansible galaxy, it must be specified as "pulp.pulp_rpm_prerequisites" instead.
Both names are specified across different docs.
The "pulp." prefix is kind of obvious, but the dashes vs underscores is not. It's easy to make this mistake.
The underscores are required by ansible galaxy, but not ansible core/engine. Dashes and dots be auto-converted to underscores during galaxy upload.
The git repo shouldd be renamed with underscores.
We should also determine if it is possible for users to specify it without the prefix. Perhaps "role_name" needs to be set? Or perhaps the new Ansible Galaxy FQDNs for rolenames will enable this.
Problem: pulp-rpm-prerequisites (git) and pulp.pulp_rpm_prerequisites (galaxy) are inconsistently named
Solution: Git repo got renamed to underscores, now update the docs for it.
Implmentation includes:
Fixes: #5619 pulp-rpm-prerequisites (git) and pulp.pulp_rpm_prerequisites (galaxy) are inconsistently named https://pulp.plan.io/issues/5619