Task #5069
closedBuild pulp 3 containers
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Related issues
Added by daviddavis over 5 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.
Related issues
Revision bfb0d99f | View on GitHub
containers: install pulp-certguard
re: #5069 Create pulpcore and pulp_file container images automatically via CI
Revision 20e2315b | View on GitHub
Use containers for Travis CI
Fixes: #5004 migrate travis plugin-template to installing pulp in containers
re: #5069 Create pulpcore and pulp_file container images automatically via CI
Implementation includes:
Disabling codecov for the time being.
Only test on Python 3.7 for now, because Fedora 30 has only secondary support for Python 3.6, and it would require multiple changes to test against.
Fix using required PRs for pulp-smash.
Use pulp-smash master branch by default rather than stable release.
Use docker as provided by Travis (rather than k3s containerd).
Generate pulpcore/containers/var/vars.yaml, and build the container image with the plugin & pulp-certguard.
Clone pulp-operator for its scripts to deploy k3s & the operator- managed containers, and run those deployment scripts.
Generate a pulp-operator custom-reource with the settings needed for testing. (It must be generated because it points to the image name like "pulp_rpm" rather than "pulp".)
Use sudo kubectl exec
as a method for running commands in the
pulp-api container, $CMD_PREFIX .
Use $CMD_PREFIX to run the unit tests.
Install packages needed only for testing in the pulp-api container as it runs. Wait for the content app to become online.
Move as much of the show_logs_and_return_non-zero logic to travis.yml after_failure
Make able to use show_logs_and_return_non_zero
Add some pulp_rpm specific debug to show_logs_and_return_non_zero
Add more after_failure lines, misc cleanup &, formatting fixes.
Delete the old CI ansible-pulp playbooks.
Accomodate pulp_rpm needing pulp-smash-config.json, but the pulpcore PR is not ready yet.
Problem: CONTENT_HOST not set when deploying pulp-api Solution: add content_host to the CR used by pulp-operator re: #5138
Revision 8a368e86 | View on GitHub
Use containers for CI
re: #5004 migrate travis plugin-template to installing pulp in containers
re: #5069 Create pulpcore and pulp_file container images automatically via CI
Implementation includes: Based off of new plugin-template Fixing pulp_file functional test failures by settting PYTHONPATH Fix missing deps from doc_requirements.txt Updating pulp-smash-config.json for the password and kubectl.
Replace configMaps with better featured K8s Custom Resources
Because ansible operators use them by default, they specifically watch for changes to them, and because the variable names are simpler.
This commit includes:
Making more options configurable
Switching to the stable tag for the "pulp" image It (3.0.0rc4) actually contains drf 3.9.4, and therefore works.
Let users easily define their own Custom Resources
Rename the pulp image "version" to "tag"
Note: Automatic camelCase conversion of CR field names necessitates using snake_case
fixes: #5069 containers: Replace configMap with better featured custom resources
re: #5116 Handle properly whether to build container images with pulpcore stable or dev