Issue #4399
closed'on_demand' policy does not create an Artifact for requested content
I noticed that every time I request a file from a repository version created with a remote that has 'on_demand' policy, the file is always streamed from the remote. Pulp doesn't seem to store the artifact.
1. Create a repository.
2. Create a file remote with 'on_demand' policy
3. Sync the remote with repository created in 1.
4. Create file publisher.
5. Publish using the publisher and create a publication from repository created in 1.
6. Create a distribution that uses the publication created in 5.
7. Request a file from the pulp_content_app that is served by distribution created in 6.
8. Check the REST API or the database to see if any new artifacts got created.
Updated by about 6 years ago
- Status changed from NEW to ASSIGNED
- Assignee set to
Updated by gmbnomis about 6 years ago
We had a similar issue before (#4369) which had a surprising resolution: httpie
aborts binary downloads. Just to make sure, what tool did you use for step 7?
Updated by about 6 years ago
- Status changed from ASSIGNED to CLOSED - WORKSFORME
This is definitely a duplicate non-issue. Using cURL to retrieve the content from Pulp did cause Pulp to store the artifact.