1.0.0 - Candidates open 1.0.0 100% 15 issues (15 closed — 0 open) Related issues Issue #7032: Provide a way for subclasses of pulp viewset that use serializers with href methods to override urls that are reversed Actions Issue #7734: Validate the requirements.yml file Actions Issue #8714: Collection highest_version includes pre-releases Actions Task #5524: Collaborate with `ansible-galaxy collection` developers to sign signature Collection content upon build and publish Actions Task #5525: Collaborate with `ansible-galaxy collection` developers to validate the signature Collection content upon installation Actions Task #8886: Add role sync exampe of N namepsace names, e.g. two of them Actions Story #5523: As a user, I can view certificate-base signatures of Collection content Actions Story #7118: As an ansible-galaxy CLI user, I can configure a token and auth_url and have pulp_ansible protect my content Actions Story #8049: As a user, I want to able to distinguish signed and unsigned Collections Actions Story #8194: Syncing will exclude collection versions found at `/excludes/` endpoint of remote Actions Story #9344: [EPIC] As a user, I can sync content from git Actions Story #9345: As a user, I can create a GitRemote to sync content from git Actions Story #9346: As user, I can sync collections using a GitRemote Actions Story #9347: As user, I can sync roles using a GitRemote Actions Story #9348: As a user, I can sync content with a GitRemote without saving Artifacts Actions