


Story #5132

Updated by fao89 over 2 years ago


 h1. !! Ticket moved to GitHub: "pulp/pulp-operator/256": 



 Kubernetes Operators are the the new preferred way to deploy and manage applications on top of Kubernetes / OpenShift. 

 Once ready for the community to consume, they are published on 


 Before our operator can be published, it needs to be stable enough in certain ways: 

   - Ansible Molecule and Pulp-Smash need to run against it 
   - Users need to be able to specify a consistent/stable port to access content (& API) against, rather than just the random port that K8s assigns. 
   - Storage needs to be expandable 
   - In general, a user's interaction with the containers should be stable. It shouldn't randomly stop working without interaction because we re-worked something in the containers / operator. 
   - Some security improvements should be implemented 

 **Not required** 

 The following is strongly desirable, but is an acceptable limitation for this Epic: 

   - Support for K8s clusters that do not support ReadWriteMany Persistent Volume Claims. This can be documented as a limitation if not implemented in time. 

