


Issue #7924

Updated by bmbouter over 3 years ago

It's expected that content even sync'd with immediate will have a RemoteArtifact created for it. It seems pulp_ansible (tested at commit dba80be7048c946dc9a4d631410c85e7b3e315bc) does not. 

 ## To Reproduce 

 1. Use pulp_ansible at commit dba80be7048c946dc9a4d631410c85e7b3e315bc 
 2. Sync basic content using a functional test: `pytest -v -r sx --color=yes --pyargs pulp_ansible.tests.functional.api.collection.v2.test_sync::SyncTestCase::test_sync_simple_collections_file`. 
 3. Go into `pulpcore-manager shell_plus`. 
 4. Observe that there are RemoteArtifact objects created with: 

 In [1]: RemoteArtifact.objects.count() 
 Out[1]: 0 

 5. Observe that the Artifact and ContentArtifact are created successful, but no corresponding RemoteArtifact. 

 In [3]: Artifact.objects.count() 
 Out[3]: 1 

 In [4]: a = Artifact.objects.first() 

 In [5]: a.content_memberships.count() 
 Out[5]: 1 

 In [6]: ca = a.content_memberships.first() 

 In [7]: ca.remoteartifact_set.count() 
 Out[7]: 0 

 ## Why does this matter? 

 If content becomes corrupted for example, the `repair` command or the `handle-content-checksums` command won't be able to automatically re-download content.
