


Story #5522

Updated by bmbouter about 5 years ago

h3. Problem 

 Each time the user fetches logging output from <code>GALAXY_API_ROOT/v3/imports/collections/<uuid:pk>/</code> it comes from "this viewset": 

 The issue is that the user wants to receive new log messages, but they get all logs every time. 

 h3. Solution 

 Rename Rework the "CollectionImport": Model by: 

 1. removing the "messages" attribute 
 2. creating three new attributes 
 * message     <--- long string, required. 
 * level.     <--- this should be a choice field w/ the standard "Python logging levels": enumerated 
 * time. This one can be configured to auto-record at save using the django ORM syntax for that. 

 3. The "add_log_record" method should be removed 
 4. Port the "logutils.CollectionImportHandler": to create a CollectionImport for each call to <code>emit()</code> 
 5. Rename CollectionImport to CollectionImportMessage, and update migrations accordingly.
