


Issue #3104

Updated by Ichimonji10 over 6 years ago

When Pulp publishes and RPM repository, it places a number of files in a <code>repodata</code> directory. The most important of these files is the <code>repomd.xml</code> file. This file tells clients where all other files live. When Pulp 2.15 publishes an RPM file, all <code>repomd.xml</code> files are empty. 

 Here's a simple way to reproduce the issue: 

 <pre><code>pulp-admin login -u admin -p admin 
 pulp-admin rpm repo create --repo-id foo --feed 
 pulp-admin rpm repo sync run --repo-id foo 
 find /var/lib/pulp -name repomd.xml -exec 
 wc '{}' ';' /var/lib/pulp/published/yum/master/yum_distributor/foo/1509121269.36/repodata/repomd.xml 

 In my case, here's the final line of output: 

 <pre>0 0 0 /var/lib/pulp/published/yum/master/yum_distributor/foo/1509121269.36/repodata/repomd.xml</pre> 

 This issue affects Pulp 2.15 on F24, F25 and RHEL 7. It probably affects Pulp 2.15 on F26 too, but there's installation issues there, so I can't say for sure. 

 This issue isn't caused by SELinux. I can reproduce the issue with SELinux disabled. Also, there's no AVC denials in the system logs. 

 This issue occurs in a wide varity of situations. Several dozen Pulp Smash test cases all fail because of this.
