Story #9131
closedAs an administrator, I'd like RPM repository syncs from mirrorlists to be able to use multiple mirrors in the event of download failures
Ticket moved to GitHub: "pulp/pulp_rpm/2286":
Currently, though Pulp3 supports mirror lists, it does not currently support re-trying against a different host in the mirror list in the event of a package sync failure.
While attempting to use mirror lists while syncing fedora34 updates, after ~15 attempts I was not able to get to version 1 of the repository, as each time it would try and it would get a new mirror, and there would be a failed package of some kind.
Anecdotally I see this a lot when running a dnf update/upgrade where packages will fail and DNF will happily go off and try a new mirror, without this logic, for larger repositories that may have a lot of change, I'm unsure of the value of supporting mirror lists.
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