Task #84
closedDocument our branching strategy in more detail
Our branching strategy is documented, but it could be done better. In particular, it doesn't give very clear instructions about how to merge forward fixes, or how to know which branches should contain a fix. We need to document:
- No version's -dev branch should be merged to another versions -testing branch (I think this happens often currently). I.e., 2.4-dev should not ever be merged into 2.5-testing.
- If a PR needs to be merged to more than one -testing branch, it should be merged to each directly as opposed to merging to 2.4-testing --> 2.4-dev --> 2.5-testing (ooops!)
- How can we use Redmine (potentially with custom fields) to help us keep track of this?
It is also worth considering whether we can automate any of this.
Updated by cduryee almost 10 years ago
This task also includes adding a "target release" field to redmine issues.
Added by cduryee almost 10 years ago
Added by cduryee almost 10 years ago
Revision 84e9da1a | View on GitHub
closes #84 Updates to merge process
This patch is an update to make the merge process more clear. It also adds a diagram with a typical merge scenario and adds some tips for using redmine.
Some rst fixes to other docs are in this patch as well.
Added by cduryee almost 10 years ago
Added by cduryee almost 10 years ago
Updated by cduryee almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from ASSIGNED to MODIFIED
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
Updated by cduryee almost 10 years ago
Applied in changeset pulp|commit:84e9da1acaf830f8cbce02e28f8f6a70fb09e06d.
Updated by cduryee almost 10 years ago
Applied in changeset pulp|commit:34e8ade84452ad23e1a21da43cd828bb61e5adcb.
Updated by bmbouter almost 10 years ago
- Category deleted (
1) - Tags Documentation added
Documentation is now a Tag not a Category.
Updated by rbarlow almost 9 years ago
- Platform Release set to 2.7.1
closes #84 Updates to merge process
This patch is an update to make the merge process more clear. It also adds a diagram with a typical merge scenario and adds some tips for using redmine.
Some rst fixes to other docs are in this patch as well.