Story #6637
closed[Epic] Improve functional tests accross pulpcore and plugins
Ticket moved to GitHub: "pulp/pulpcore/1890":
Pulp is designed to work with a lot of different content that's comprised of different artifacts. While some functional tests are specifically designed to check how Pulp handles content that it already has in its storage, the vast majority of tests assume that the content being used by the test is unique. Due to the limited number of test fixtures, many of the tests run the orphan clenup task to ensure that any content left over from a previous test is removed before the current test is executed. Not only does this add a significant amount of time to the overall runtime of the test suite, but it also creates indeterministic results when the tests are run in a random order.
In order to make each test independent of other tests, each test should come with its own set of unique fixtures. These fixtures should live in the same repository as the tests. The pulplift dev environment should be updated to launch a fixture container that volume mounts the fixtures from all the pulp repositories. These volume mounts should then be made available over http using nginx.