Issue #614
closed~/.pulp/ is world readable
~/.pulp/ has permissions 775 which is insecure.
I expect ~/.pulp/ to have permissions 700 so that other users cannot read files within here. This is important for another bug [0] BZ 1159067 which puts username/password info into ~/.pulp/admin.conf
We can't automatically secure ~/.pulp/admin.conf because the user creates that file. We should set 700 on the folder level.
+ This bug was cloned from Bugzilla Bug #1163451 +
Updated by mhrivnak almost 10 years ago
+ This comment was cloned from Bugzilla #1163451 comment 1 +
Updated by cduryee almost 10 years ago
fixed in pulp 2.6.0-0.2.beta
+ This comment was cloned from Bugzilla #1163451 comment 2 +
Updated by almost 10 years ago
Now if /root/.pulp/ doesn't have 0700 permissions, the warining will be shown with pulp-admin or pulp-consumer command.
rpm -qa | grep pulp-server
pulp-admin login -u admin -p pass
Warning: path should have mode 0700 because it may contain sensitive information: /root/.pulp/
Successfully logged in. Session certificate will expire at Dec 30 22:53:54 2014
chmod 0700 -R /root/.pulp/
pulp-admin login -u admin -p pass
Successfully logged in. Session certificate will expire at Dec 30 23:01:34 2014
chmod 0740 -R /root/.pulp/
pulp-admin repo list --summary
Warning: path should have mode 0700 because it may contain sensitive information: /root/.pulp/
pulp-consumer status
Warning: path should have mode 0700 because it may contain sensitive information: /root/.pulp/
This consumer is not currently registered.
If it was deleted/moved, a new created folder ~/.pulp will have 0700.
mv ~/.pulp/ ~/.pulp_1/
pulp-consumer status
This consumer is not currently registered.
pulp-admin login -u admin -p wrongpass
The specified user does not have permission to execute the given command
ls -la ~/ | grep pulp
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Nov 4 13:53 for_pulp_uploads
drwx------. 2 root root 4096 Dec 24 00:03 .pulp
drwxr-----. 3 root root 4096 Dec 23 23:02 .pulp_1
+ This comment was cloned from Bugzilla #1163451 comment 3 +
Updated by rbarlow over 9 years ago
- Status changed from 6 to CLOSED - CURRENTRELEASE