Issue #602
closed"SSL certificate is untrusted" warning is too vague
Description of problem:
After installation of Pulp I run:
pulp-admin rpm repo create --repo-id=test --feed=
And got this message:
WARNING: The server's SSL certificate is untrusted!
The server's SSL certificate was not signed by a trusted authority. This could
be due to a man-in-the-middle attack, or it could be that the Pulp server needs
to have its certificate signed by a trusted authority. If you are willing to
accept the associated risks, you can set verify_ssl to False in the client
config's [server] section to disable this check.
Because this is just testing deployment to get familier with Pulp, I would like to set verify_ssl to False, but I have not idea what is "client
config" and now I have to dive into a documentation.
It would be nice if you can tell me that "client config" is either /etc/pulp/admin/admin.conf or ~/.pulp/admin.conf
+ This bug was cloned from Bugzilla Bug #1159222 +