Test #4956
closedAs a user, I can clear all units from a new repository version
In #4901, we allowed users to pass in '*'
as part of the list of remove_content_units
when creating a RepositoryVersion so that they could remove ALL units from a new repo version.
Test Case 1¶
1. Create a new repo version with content units
2. Create a new repo version with remove_content_units with ['*']
3. Verify the repo version is empty
Test Case 2 (optional)¶
1. Create a new repo version with content units
2. Create a new content unit but don't add it to the repo version
3. Create a new repo version by specifying ['*'] for remove_content_units and your new content unit from step 2 for add_content_units
4. Verify the repo version only has the new content unit from step 2
Test Case 3¶
1. Create a new repo version with content units
2. Attempt to specify both '*' and a content id for remove_units (ie ["*", "/pulp/api/v3/content/file/files/209b2814-79ae-4530-97c5-c097193730ab/"])
3. Verify a 400 response + error
Related issues
Updated by daviddavis over 5 years ago
- Related to Story #4901: Repository Version creation api should provide an easy way to clear out all units when adding new units added
Added by kersom over 5 years ago
Updated by kersom over 5 years ago
- Status changed from NEW to MODIFIED
Applied in changeset pulpcore|dd3ba8d269ae8fbaa0a7579e7e15971db7e49a13.
Updated by kersom over 5 years ago
- Status changed from MODIFIED to CLOSED - COMPLETE
Add test to clear all units
Add test to clear all units.