Story #2890
closedAs an authenticated user, I can see what resource(s) a task acted on.
Related issues
Updated by daviddavis over 7 years ago
For more info, see the proposed implementation at
Updated by daviddavis over 7 years ago
- Blocks Story #2891: As an authenticated user, I can search for a tasks based on what resource they acted on. added
Updated by regularuser over 7 years ago
What url will the detail view of the TaskResource be?
Updated by daviddavis over 7 years ago
bmbouter I wasn't thinking of providing one—at least not for the MVP. I'm assuming there won't be any information on the task resource other than the task FK and the resource FK so exposing the join model didn't seem necessary.
Updated by bmbouter over 7 years ago
I added a checklist item about offering filtering along with this change. For the feature to be complete I think it needs filtering.
Also what will the name of the FK attribute be for the Task to show the related TaskResource objects? I imagined it would be called 'resources' but then that could be confusing between the 'created_objects' perhaps? I think I liked the name 'tags' better since it more clearly identifies it as metadata about a task (I think). That would suggest that the new TaskResource should be called TaskTag or Tag and then the related_name attribute on Task would be called Tags once again. @daviddavis that an improvement or a step backwards?
Updated by about 6 years ago
- Tags Pulp 3 RC Blocker added
Adding RC blocker tag because this might affect the `created_resource` field, which would be backwards incompatible.
Updated by about 6 years ago
- Blocks deleted (Story #2891: As an authenticated user, I can search for a tasks based on what resource they acted on.)
Updated by about 6 years ago
- Has duplicate Story #2891: As an authenticated user, I can search for a tasks based on what resource they acted on. added
Updated by about 6 years ago
- Tags deleted (
Pulp 3 RC Blocker)
We think this will be an additive change to the REST api, so we are removing the RC blocker.
Updated by daviddavis over 4 years ago
- Status changed from NEW to CLOSED - CURRENTRELEASE