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Ichimonji10, 07/27/2017 05:04 PM

Virtualization quickstart

This quickstart guide has been tested on Fedora 25.

Within code blocks, a prefix of $ indicates that a command should be executed as a regular user, and # indicates that a command should be performed as root.

Option 1: Using libvirt and Virtual Machine Manager

Install required packages:

# dnf install libvirt qemu-kvm kvm libguestfs-tools virt-install

Then, download an image for the OS you want to run in your VM. Fedora ISOs may be downloaded from here.

Launch the "Virtual Machine Manager" application and click:

1. File -> New Virtual Machine
2. Local install media -> Browse to downloaded ISO
3) Accept default settings


1. Start the VM with the "play button"
2. Choose to install fedora:
3. set hostname: give it a name other than localhost.
4. make it meaningful
5. set root password (weak one is OK)
6. if you make a user, make sure to give them sudo access

NOTE: If you make a user and forgot to give them sudo access, start the VM, open a terminal, and:

$ su
# gpasswd --add admin wheel

Then restart.

WARNING: localhost is a bad hostname. Each of your VMs should have a unique hostname. If you clone a VM, both hosts will have the same hostname. It is imperative that you change your a host's hostname before installing any pulp components, as Pulp uses its host's hostname, and Pulp can produce undefined behavior if its host's hostname is changed after the fact.

To see your host's hostname, execute hostname. To change your host's hostname, run:

# hostnamectl set-hostname <new-hostname>


For details on Ansible, see the Ansible documentation.

Install Ansible:

# dnf install ansible git

Download the pulp_packaging repo:

$ git clone

Now we need to make a hosts file for Ansible. Use the results of the hostname command in the place of 'localhost':

$ cd pulp_packaging/ci/ansible
$ echo "$(hostname)" > hosts

Choosing what version of pulp to install

To choose the version of pulp that you will install:

  • edit pulp_packaging/ci/ansible/roles/pulp/defaults/main.yaml, or
  • pass -e pulp_version=2.14 -e pulp_build=nightly in the ansible-playbook invocation, or
  • in hosts file, specify pulp_version and pulp_build on the same line as hostname, i.e. name_of_host pulp_version=2.14 pulp_build=nightly

Now you are ready to run the ansible playbook:

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts -e ansible_connection=local pulp_server.yaml

Option 2: Using Vagrant with either libvirt or docker

See Pulp Developer Setup

Updated by Ichimonji10 almost 7 years ago · 9 revisions