


Release Schedule » History » Revision 12

Revision 11 (, 06/06/2016 05:47 PM) → Revision 12/86 (semyers, 06/06/2016 06:34 PM)

# Pulp 2.9 Release Schedule 

 |              |                           |                                               | 
 | ---------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | 
 | 2016-05-17 | 2.9 branches created      | Build system adapted to build from branches | 
 | 2016-06-07 | 2.9.0 Feature freeze      | Only bug fixes after this                     | 
 | 2016-06-14 | 2.9.0 Beta                |                                               | 
 | 2016-06-21 | 2.9.0 Release candidate | Final Freeze                                  | 
 | 2016-06-28 | 2.9.0 Release             |                                               | 

 # Pulp 2.10 Release Schedule 

 |              |                     | 
 | ---------- | ----------------- | 
 | 2016-06-28 | Branches created    | 
 | 2016-07-19 | Feature freeze      | 
 | 2016-07-26 | Beta                | 
 | 2016-08-02 | Release candidate | 
 | 2016-08-09 | GA Release          | 

 # Definitions 

 **Beta** - All bug fixes that need to be in the release are complete. Dev believes the release is ready.   
 **Feature Freeze** - No new features allowed after this date. Though exceptions can be made for work waiting on review, the submitter should attempt to have work reviewed and merged before the freeze date.   
 **Release Candidate** (RC) candidate** - QE has performed their testing and is satisfied to release. No new bug fixes after this point. Regressions or other urgent bug fixes will be handled case by case. There are no release candidates for Z releases.   
 **Generally Available** (GA) - Release is generally available in the stable repositories.   
 **Dev branch** - Branch created for Z (bugfix) release code changes related to a Generally Available Y release. 

 # Y Release Cadence 

 The Y release cycle begins will begin on the day of the previous GA Y release. 

   - week 0: (Y-1) Previous Y Generally Available Release 
   - week 3: Feature Freeze 
       - dev (X -1) GA Release, new branch created for this Y Release 
       - created, build system adapted to build from dev branch 
   - master branch now tracks development for next Y release week 3: Feature freeze 
   - week 4: Beta Y release 
   - week 5: Y Release Candidate 
   - week 6: Generally Available Y GA Release 

 # Z Release Cadence 

 The Z release cycle consists of alternating weekly beta and GA releases of bug and security fixes for Generally Available Y releases, built from a dev branch. 

   - week 0: (Z-1) Previous Z GA Release 
   - week 1: Beta Z Release 
   - week 2: GA Z Release