


Python Plugin Minimum Viable Product » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (bmbouter, 06/27/2017 06:18 PM) → Revision 2/3 (, 06/27/2017 06:36 PM)

# Python Plugin Minimum Viable Product 

 As a user I can CRUD repositories. 

 As a user I can CRUD a \`PythonImporter\` 

   - I can specify a feed to sync from a remote. Required for sync. 
   - I can specify a whilelist of Python packages to sync from PyPI or mirrors 
   - I can sync 
   - filtering support 
   - digest based verification (md5 from pypi, sha512 Pulp) 
   - I only can use the additive sync mode 

 As a user I can CRUD a \`PythonPublisher\` 

   - I can publish a repository that can be consumed by Pulp 
   - I can publish a repository that can be consumed by pip 
   - incremental publish is **not** supported 
   - I can specify a relative_path to publish the repository at 

 As a user I can upload a Python content unit. 

 As a user I have documentation that covers all above in this format: 

   - Installation 
   - Quickstart 
   - Workflows 
   - API Reference 
   - CLI Reference 

 For each above: 

   - As a user I can do all use cases with a CLI 
   - All package types are supported (sdist, wheel, zip)