Pulp 3 Minimum Viable Product » History » Sprint/Milestone 149
dkliban@redhat.com, 03/29/2018 07:20 PM
1 | 1 | bmbouter | # Pulp 3.0.0 Minimum Viable Product (MVP) |
2 | |||
3 | 21 | bmbouter | <span style="color:red;">Lines highlighted in red need more attention.</span> |
4 | 20 | bmbouter | |
5 | 37 | bmbouter | ## Overall Guarantees |
6 | |||
7 | 57 | mhrivnak | - This is not a direct replacement for Pulp 2. |
8 | - This is the minimum required for a 3.0.0 beta and GA. |
9 | - All REST API calls will update the DB using transactions as necessary to ensure data integrity. |
10 | 37 | bmbouter | |
11 | 59 | bmbouter | ## Legend |
12 | |||
13 | \[done\] means merged and documented |
14 | \[in-progress\] means started but not fully done |
15 | If there is no label the effort has not yet been started |
16 | |||
17 | 1 | bmbouter | ## Authentication |
18 | |||
19 | 59 | bmbouter | As an authenticated user I can manage user(s). \[done\] |
20 | 17 | semyers | |
21 | - Add a user |
22 | - View user(s) |
23 | 58 | mhrivnak | - Update any user detail |
24 | 1 | bmbouter | - Delete a user |
25 | |||
26 | 135 | bmbouter | As an API user, I can authenticate any API call with Basic auth \[done\] |
27 | 1 | bmbouter | |
28 | 110 | daviddavis | As an authenticated user, I can filter users by: \[[3142](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3142)\] |
29 | |||
30 | - username: (equality, username_in_list) |
31 | |||
32 | 1 | bmbouter | ## Repositories |
33 | |||
34 | 18 | dkliban@redhat.com | As an authenticated user, I can list all repos. |
35 | |||
36 | 60 | bmbouter | - All fields are included \[done\] |
37 | - Pagination is supported \[done\] |
38 | 1 | bmbouter | |
39 | 112 | bmbouter | As an authenticated user I can use filters on Repositories list: \[[3079](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3079)\] |
40 | 109 | amacdona@redhat.com | |
41 | - id: (id_in_list) \# id equality is not necessary, v3/repositories/\<UUID\>/ |
42 | - name: (equality, name_in_list) |
43 | |||
44 | 18 | dkliban@redhat.com | As an authenticated user, I can CRUD a repository |
45 | |||
46 | 60 | bmbouter | - Create a repo \[done\] |
47 | - Read a repo \[done\] |
48 | - Update all mutable repo fields \[done\] |
49 | 130 | daviddavis | - Delete a repo (asynchronous) |
50 | 112 | bmbouter | |
51 | 1 | bmbouter | As an authenticated user, I can see the number of content unit types with counts for each \[done\]\[[3059](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3059)\] |
52 | |||
53 | 140 | daviddavis | As an authenticated user, when viewing a repository, I can discover a URL to the latest version of a repository. \[[3235](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3235)\] |
54 | 130 | daviddavis | |
55 | 149 | dkliban@redhat.com | ## Remotes |
56 | 51 | bmbouter | |
57 | 149 | dkliban@redhat.com | note: Remote attributes will commonly be available on remotes, but aren't guaranteed to be used by all remotes. |
58 | 51 | bmbouter | |
59 | 149 | dkliban@redhat.com | As an authenticated user, I can CRUD an remote |
60 | 18 | dkliban@redhat.com | |
61 | 149 | dkliban@redhat.com | - Create an remote |
62 | - Read an remote |
63 | - Update all mutable remote fields |
64 | - Delete an remote (asynchronous) |
65 | 18 | dkliban@redhat.com | |
66 | As an authenticated user, I have filters on the Importer list: \[[3080](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3080)\] |
67 | 21 | bmbouter | |
68 | 1 | bmbouter | - id: (id_in_list) \# id equality is not necessary, objects are referenced by id |
69 | 113 | bmbouter | - name: (equality, name_in_list) |
70 | 109 | amacdona@redhat.com | |
71 | As an authenticated user I can configure the following attributes on an Importer: \[done\] |
72 | |||
73 | - validate (bool) \[optional: defaults to True\]: If true, the plugin will validate imported content. |
74 | 48 | amacdona@redhat.com | - ssl_ca_certificate (str) \[optional\] String containing a PEM encoded CA certificate used to validate the server certificate presented by the external source. |
75 | 1 | bmbouter | - ssl_client_certificate (str) \[optional\] Contains a PEM encoded client certificate used for authentication. |
76 | 135 | bmbouter | - ssl_client_key (str) \[optional\] Contains a PEM encoded private key used for authentication. |
77 | - ssl_validation (bool) \[optional: defaults to True\]: If true, SSL peer validation must be performed. |
78 | 1 | bmbouter | - proxy_url (str) \[optional\] Contains the proxy URL. Format: scheme://user:password@host:port. |
79 | 136 | daviddavis | - username (str) \[optional\] Contains the username to be used for authentication when syncing. |
80 | 63 | mhrivnak | - password (str) \[optional\] Contains the password to be used for authentication when syncing. |
81 | 1 | bmbouter | - name (str) \[required\] Contains the name. |
82 | 149 | dkliban@redhat.com | - last_updated (datetime) \[read-only\] Contains the datetime of the last remote update. |
83 | - last_synced (datetime) \[read-only\] Contains the datetime of the last remote sync. |
84 | 50 | bmbouter | |
85 | 149 | dkliban@redhat.com | As an authenticated user, I can define a default remote on a repo via href to be used whenever a new repo version is created. |
86 | 130 | daviddavis | |
87 | 52 | bmbouter | ## Publishers |
88 | 51 | bmbouter | |
89 | note: Publisher attributes will commonly be available on publishers, but aren't guaranteed to be used by all publishers. |
90 | 47 | bmbouter | |
91 | 18 | dkliban@redhat.com | As an authenticated user, I can CRUD a publisher |
92 | |||
93 | - Create a publisher |
94 | 1 | bmbouter | - Read a publisher |
95 | - Update all mutable publisher fields |
96 | 50 | bmbouter | - Delete a publisher (asynchronous) |
97 | 1 | bmbouter | |
98 | 113 | bmbouter | As an authenticated user, I have filters on the Publisher list: \[[3081](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3081)\] |
99 | 109 | amacdona@redhat.com | |
100 | - id: (id_in_list) \# id equality is not necessary, objects are referenced by id |
101 | - name: (equality, name_in_list) |
102 | |||
103 | 50 | bmbouter | As an authenticated user I can configure the following attributes on a Publisher: |
104 | |||
105 | 1 | bmbouter | - relative_path (str) \[optional\] The (relative) path component of the published url. |
106 | 50 | bmbouter | - name - (str) \[required\] contains the name. |
107 | 109 | amacdona@redhat.com | - last_published (datetime) \[read-only\] When the last successful publis%{color:red}h occurred. |
108 | 50 | bmbouter | - last_updated (datetime) \[read-only\] The datetime of the last publisher update. |
109 | 1 | bmbouter | - <span style="color:red;">auto_publish(bool) - ??? consider adding auto-publish feature to MVP</span> |
110 | |||
111 | 123 | bmbouter | ## Distributions |
112 | 1 | bmbouter | |
113 | 123 | bmbouter | As an authenticated user, I can CRUD Distributions: |
114 | 1 | bmbouter | |
115 | 123 | bmbouter | - Create a Distribution. |
116 | - Read a Distribution |
117 | - List Distributions |
118 | - Update all mutable Distribution fields (synchronous) |
119 | \- base path |
120 | \- http |
121 | \- https |
122 | - Delete an Distribution (synchronous) |
123 | |||
124 | As a user, my distribution base paths don't conflict and my create/update is rejected identifying the conflicting distributions \[[2987](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/2987)\] |
125 | |||
126 | As an authenticated user, I can create or update a distribution that is not associated with any publication (NULL) |
127 | |||
128 | As an authenticated user, I can create or update a distribution that is not associated with any publisher (NULL) |
129 | |||
130 | As a user, I can update a Distribution to distribute a specific Publication |
131 | |||
132 | As a user, I want a newly created publication to be automatically served by the content as defined by distributions. |
133 | |||
134 | As a user, I can see the full urls my base path is served at (one for http and one for https depending on what is on) |
135 | |||
136 | 109 | amacdona@redhat.com | As an authenticated user, I have filters on the Distribution list: \[[3082](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3082)\] |
137 | |||
138 | 1 | bmbouter | - name: (equality, name_in_list) |
139 | - base_path: (equality, substring, base_path_in_list) |
140 | |||
141 | ## Publications |
142 | |||
143 | 141 | daviddavis | As an authenticated user, when creating a Publication, I can post a repo version href to be published. \[[3221](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3221)\] |
144 | 1 | bmbouter | |
145 | 142 | daviddavis | As an authenticated user, I can publish a repository's latest version by posting a repository href to be published. \[[3223](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3223)\] |
146 | 130 | daviddavis | |
147 | 140 | daviddavis | As an authenticated user, I can view which repository version was used to create a particular publication. \[[3237](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3237)\] |
148 | 130 | daviddavis | |
149 | As an authenticated user, I can read Publication(s) |
150 | |||
151 | - Read a Publication - id, created datetime, list of distribution hrefs, repo version |
152 | 120 | bmbouter | - List all Publications - ordered by created datetime in descending order |
153 | |||
154 | 130 | daviddavis | As an authenticated user, I can delete publications. |
155 | \- asynchronously with a lock on the repository version. |
156 | \- prevented if associated with a distribution. |
157 | \- single object only. |
158 | |||
159 | 120 | bmbouter | As an authenticated user, I can list publications and I have enough information to choose which ones to delete. |
160 | |||
161 | - choose by created (older ones or perhaps latest) |
162 | - choose not associated to a distribution. |
163 | - does not imply filtering |
164 | |||
165 | As an authenticated user, I can list publications and i have enough information to select a publication to be associated with a distribution. |
166 | |||
167 | - choose by created (latest or just by publish date) |
168 | \- manual promotion. "My rawhide publication has been tested and now I want to promote it to stable". |
169 | \- rollback to an earlier publication. |
170 | - does not imply filtering |
171 | 109 | amacdona@redhat.com | |
172 | 72 | mhrivnak | As an authenticated user, I can determine if and how a publication is distributed. |
173 | 1 | bmbouter | |
174 | 144 | dkliban@redhat.com | ## Exporters |
175 | 134 | bmbouter | |
176 | 144 | dkliban@redhat.com | <span style="color:black;">As a plugin writer, I can contribute an exporter that is discovered by core</span> |
177 | <span style="color:black;">As a plugin writer, I have docs on how to create a discoverable exporter</span> |
178 | <span style="color:black;">As a plugin writer, I can contribute an exporter that uses a publication.</span> |
179 | 134 | bmbouter | |
180 | 66 | mhrivnak | ## Sync and Publish |
181 | 19 | bmbouter | |
182 | As an authenticated user, I can trigger an importer to sync. \[done\] |
183 | |||
184 | - I can follow the progress of all syncs. (Syncs are asynchronous.) |
185 | - I cannot pass "sync" options. |
186 | 68 | mhrivnak | - Auto-publish is not included as an importer property. |
187 | 71 | mhrivnak | |
188 | 70 | mhrivnak | As an authenticated user, I can trigger a publisher to publish. \[done\] |
189 | 1 | bmbouter | |
190 | 102 | bmbouter | - I can follow the progress of all publishes. (Publishes are asynchronous.) |
191 | 29 | bmbouter | - I cannot pass "publish" options. |
192 | 99 | bmbouter | |
193 | 113 | bmbouter | ## Content Manipulation |
194 | 99 | bmbouter | |
195 | #### Uploading Artifacts |
196 | |||
197 | As an authenticated user, I can create an Artifact by uploading a file. \[done\] |
198 | 113 | bmbouter | |
199 | 99 | bmbouter | As an authenticated user, I can specify a size and/or digest to validate the uploaded file. \[done\] |
200 | |||
201 | 1 | bmbouter | #### Creating Content Units |
202 | 99 | bmbouter | |
203 | 1 | bmbouter | As an authenticated user, I can create a content unit by providing the content type (in the URL), references to Artifacts, and the metadata supplied in the POST body. \[done\] |
204 | 101 | bmbouter | |
205 | 1 | bmbouter | #### Simple Copy |
206 | 126 | amacdona@redhat.com | |
207 | 136 | daviddavis | As an authenticated user, I can search (synchronous call) a repository version's content using filtering. |
208 | 101 | bmbouter | |
209 | 136 | daviddavis | - note: In a separate call (async), I can add_many or remove_many to another repository's latest version. |
210 | 101 | bmbouter | |
211 | #### Complex Copy |
212 | |||
213 | 136 | daviddavis | As a plugin writer I can provide a rich search features with arbitrary viewsets. e.g. depsolving, versioning, etc |
214 | 101 | bmbouter | |
215 | Examples of specific plugin use cases motivating the above general viewset |
216 | |||
217 | 1 | bmbouter | - As an authenticated user, I can add an Errata from one repository to another repository along with packages mentioned in the Errata and all their dependencies that are present in the source repository. |
218 | 101 | bmbouter | - As an authenticated user, I can add bunch of dependencies and store n versions back for each RPM. |
219 | 1 | bmbouter | - As an authenticated user, I can use depsolving and versioning copy features together |
220 | 71 | mhrivnak | - As an authenticated user, I can copy a puppet module and all of it's dependencies from one repository to another. |
221 | 95 | bmbouter | - As an authenticated user, I can depsolve units to be added to a destination repo based on an errata |
222 | 1 | bmbouter | |
223 | 127 | bmbouter | #### Delete |
224 | 1 | bmbouter | |
225 | 127 | bmbouter | As an authenticated user, I can delete a specific content unit |
226 | |||
227 | - If the content unit is still in at least one repository version the delete fails |
228 | - Error message saying that the unit is in use by a repo version and a link to the filter to return all of the repo versions. |
229 | - Content unit deletion needs to be race condition free. For example: cannot delete a content unit during (for example) |
230 | \- sync that may be assuming the content exits. |
231 | \- copy operation |
232 | |||
233 | <!-- end list --> |
234 | 1 | bmbouter | |
235 | 112 | bmbouter | - As a user, I know that files (Artifacts) associated with the Content unit are not removed by this call (docs) |
236 | |||
237 | #### Filtering |
238 | 1 | bmbouter | |
239 | 130 | daviddavis | As an authenticated user, I can filter Content by repository version information when plugin writers have provided such a filter |
240 | 112 | bmbouter | |
241 | 130 | daviddavis | As an authenticated user, I can filter content by repository version |
242 | 112 | bmbouter | |
243 | 1 | bmbouter | As an authenticated user, I can filter content by type |
244 | |||
245 | 112 | bmbouter | As an authenticated user, I can filter content on plugin specific attributes when plugin writers have provided such a filter |
246 | |||
247 | 129 | daviddavis | ## Versioned Repositories |
248 | 1 | bmbouter | |
249 | #### CRD |
250 | 129 | daviddavis | |
251 | As an authenticated user, I can create a new repository version. \[[3173](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3173)\] |
252 | |||
253 | 137 | daviddavis | As an authenticated user, I can list versions for a particular repository. \[done\] |
254 | 129 | daviddavis | |
255 | 136 | daviddavis | - Pagination is supported |
256 | |||
257 | 140 | daviddavis | As an authenticated user, I can filter repository versions by: \[[3238](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3238)\] |
258 | 129 | daviddavis | |
259 | - number (equality, lt/lte, gt/gte) |
260 | - content id (equality, content_in_list) |
261 | 136 | daviddavis | - created datetime (range) |
262 | 133 | amacdona@redhat.com | |
263 | 138 | daviddavis | As an authenticated user, I can delete any repository version. \[[3219](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3219)\] |
264 | 1 | bmbouter | |
265 | 138 | daviddavis | As an authenticated user, I can view content that was added or removed in a particular repository version (as compared to the previous version). \[done\] |
266 | 129 | daviddavis | |
267 | #### Repository Version Content |
268 | |||
269 | 139 | daviddavis | As a user, I know content sets for repository versions are immutable. \[done\] |
270 | 129 | daviddavis | |
271 | 139 | daviddavis | As an authenticated user, I can list the content in a particular repository version \[done\] |
272 | 40 | bmbouter | |
273 | 1 | bmbouter | - All fields are included |
274 | - Pagination is supported |
275 | 43 | bmbouter | |
276 | 139 | daviddavis | As an authenticated user, I can create a new version by adding or removing content to the latest version. \[[3234](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3234)\] |
277 | 129 | daviddavis | |
278 | 130 | daviddavis | - I can follow the progress. (adding/removing are asynchronous). |
279 | 136 | daviddavis | - can add and remove together in a single call |
280 | 130 | daviddavis | |
281 | 136 | daviddavis | As a user, I have docs that when a new RepositoryVersion is created, add_many and remove_many are performed before any Plugin code is executed. |
282 | 43 | bmbouter | |
283 | 95 | bmbouter | ## Orphan Content Units and Artifacts |
284 | 43 | bmbouter | |
285 | 95 | bmbouter | As an authenticated user, I can cause an action that cleans up **both** orphaned content units and orphaned artifacts. |
286 | |||
287 | 1 | bmbouter | - I cannot specify the units specifically (all types). |
288 | 22 | bmbouter | - I can follow the progress of all cleanups. (Cleanups are asynchronous.) |
289 | |||
290 | 76 | mhrivnak | ## Task Management |
291 | |||
292 | 22 | bmbouter | As an authenticated user, I can list all tasks |
293 | 76 | mhrivnak | |
294 | 146 | daviddavis | - <span style="color:orange;">Filtering support on \['state', 'id'\]</span> |
295 | 22 | bmbouter | - <span style="color:orange;">This does not include associated progress reports</span> |
296 | |||
297 | As an authenticated user, I can see a detail view for a specific task \[done\] |
298 | 76 | mhrivnak | |
299 | 1 | bmbouter | - all attributes of a task |
300 | - all associated progress reports |
301 | |||
302 | 77 | mhrivnak | As an authenticated user, I can cancel a task \[done\] |
303 | |||
304 | 1 | bmbouter | - don't dare to use the DELETE verb! |
305 | |||
306 | 114 | daviddavis | As an authenticated user, I can delete tasks. |
307 | 110 | daviddavis | |
308 | 147 | daviddavis | As an authenticated user, I can filter tasks by: \[[3144](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3144)\] |
309 | 110 | daviddavis | |
310 | - state (equality, state_in_list) |
311 | - started_at(started_in_range) |
312 | - finished_at(finished_in_range) |
313 | 78 | mhrivnak | - worker (equality) |
314 | 1 | bmbouter | - parent (equality) |
315 | |||
316 | 121 | bmbouter | ## Status |
317 | 42 | dkliban@redhat.com | |
318 | 80 | mhrivnak | As an unauthenticated user I can view the status of Pulp workers and resource managers. \[done\] |
319 | 46 | bmbouter | |
320 | 28 | bmbouter | As an unauthenticated user I can view the status of the web server's connection to the database and message broker. \[done\] |
321 | 110 | daviddavis | |
322 | 115 | daviddavis | As an unauthenticated user I can view the versions of core and each installed plugin. |
323 | 110 | daviddavis | |
324 | 115 | daviddavis | ## Workers |
325 | 110 | daviddavis | |
326 | As an authenticated user, I can filter workers by: \[[3143](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3143)\] |
327 | |||
328 | 116 | daviddavis | - last_heartbeat (range) |
329 | 1 | bmbouter | - name (substring) |
330 | 83 | mhrivnak | - gracefully_stopped (equality) |
331 | 1 | bmbouter | |
332 | 83 | mhrivnak | ## Plugin API |
333 | 28 | bmbouter | |
334 | 83 | mhrivnak | As a plugin writer, I have a plugin API that is semantically versioned at 0.x separate from the REST API \[done\] |
335 | 28 | bmbouter | |
336 | 83 | mhrivnak | As a plugin writer, I can report progress with a message and state \[done\] |
337 | 28 | bmbouter | |
338 | 83 | mhrivnak | As a plugin writer, I can report progress with an optional suffix \[done\] |
339 | 28 | bmbouter | |
340 | 83 | mhrivnak | As a plugin writer, I can report progress with a total count of things to do an the current count of things done \[done\] |
341 | 28 | bmbouter | |
342 | 83 | mhrivnak | As a plugin writer, non-fatal exceptions on the Task and are included in the Task detail. non_fatal exceptions do not cause the Task to be marked as failed, but may be interpreted by the user as not fully successful. \[done\] |
343 | 1 | bmbouter | |
344 | 28 | bmbouter | As a plugin writer, the working directory is set before Task work is done and cleaned up afterwards. I should not need to interact with the file system outside of the working dir. \[done\] |
345 | 1 | bmbouter | |
346 | 84 | bmbouter | <span style="color:red;">As a plugin writer, I can provide a subclassed Importer. The importer's responsibility is to synchronize the content of a Pulp repository with the content of a remote repository. (a circular import problem needs to be discussed and may cause this to change) \[done\]</span> |
347 | 28 | bmbouter | |
348 | 83 | mhrivnak | <span style="color:red;">As a plugin writer, I can provide a subclassed Publisher. The publisher's responsibility is to publish content. (a circular import problem needs to be discussed and may cause this to change) \[done\]</span> |
349 | 28 | bmbouter | |
350 | As a plugin writer, I can define unit types by subclassing Content models to provide concrete content unit types to be manged by the platform. \[done\] |
351 | |||
352 | 83 | mhrivnak | As a plugin writer, I can interact with and create Artifacts \[done\] |
353 | 1 | bmbouter | |
354 | 8 | Ichimonji10 | As a plugin writer, my app will be discovered by Pulp's app via an entry point provided by the plugin writer \[done\] |
355 | 1 | bmbouter | |
356 | 112 | bmbouter | As a plugin writer, I can use the plugin API to query content units/artifacts associated with a repository. \[done\] |
357 | |||
358 | As a plugin writer, I can add and remove content units to and from a repository. \[done\] |
359 | |||
360 | As a plugin writer, I have documentation that shows how I can add filters to filter content responsibly. |
361 | |||
362 | 136 | daviddavis | As a plugin writer, I have documentation on how to write a filter for my Content that can use the RepositoryVersion manager. |
363 | 1 | bmbouter | |
364 | 136 | daviddavis | - note: This will allow users to filter content by repository version |
365 | 134 | bmbouter | |
366 | 106 | bmbouter | ## Plugin Writer "live APIs" |
367 | |||
368 | 1 | bmbouter | As a plugin writer, I can provide a Live API with arbitrary views and viewsets. |
369 | 106 | bmbouter | As a plugin writer, I have documentation on what URLs I should -not use for my views and viewsets |
370 | 1 | bmbouter | |
371 | 108 | bmbouter | Here are some concrete use cases driving the very Live API use cases above: |
372 | 1 | bmbouter | |
373 | 108 | bmbouter | ~~~ |
374 | # Concrete user use cases: |
375 | As an authenticated user, I can use the puppet client to fetch content from Pulp using the Forge API |
376 | 1 | bmbouter | As an authenticated user I can use the docker client to fetch content from Pulp using the Docker v1 API |
377 | 113 | bmbouter | As an authenticated user I can use the docker client to fetch content from Pulp using the Docker v2 API |
378 | 108 | bmbouter | |
379 | # Concrete plugin writer use cases |
380 | As a puppet plugin developer, I can provide a viewset which handles the server side of the puppet Forge v3 API |
381 | As a docker plugin developer, I can provide a viewset which handles the server side of the docker v1 API |
382 | As a docker plugin developer, I can provide a viewset which handles the server side of the docker v2 API |
383 | 117 | bmbouter | ~~~ |
384 | 1 | bmbouter | |
385 | 134 | bmbouter | ## Plugin Writer Versioned Repositories |
386 | |||
387 | As a plugin writer writing sync code, I have a reference to the pre-saved repository version object that core created for me |
388 | |||
389 | - As a plugin writer, I have exclusive access to a repository version while sync is running. |
390 | |||
391 | 136 | daviddavis | As a plugin writer, I know the new RepositoryVersion will automatically have all the content from the previous version. |
392 | 134 | bmbouter | |
393 | 136 | daviddavis | As a plugin writer, I can add and remove content from the repository version I was given. |
394 | 134 | bmbouter | |
395 | 136 | daviddavis | As a plugin writer, I have docs to know when I need to create a new repository version myself. e.g. when performing a complex copy operation like depsolving. |
396 | 134 | bmbouter | |
397 | As a plugin writer, I have exclusive access to a repository version while my code is running. |
398 | |||
399 | 136 | daviddavis | As a plugin writer, I have docs telling me that a repository version content set is immutable. |
400 | 134 | bmbouter | |
401 | ## Plugin Writer Publishing |
402 | |||
403 | As a plugin writer, I am assured that a repository version will be fully constructed and not deleted while publish code is running. |
404 | |||
405 | ## Plugin Storage |
406 | |||
407 | As a plugin writer, the plugin API provides an API that returns a fully qualified path to a shared storage location used to store content. \["3182"https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3182\] |
408 | |||
409 | 113 | bmbouter | ## Webserver Deployment |
410 | 106 | bmbouter | |
411 | 132 | bmbouter | As a system administrator, I can deploy all Pulp web applications on one process |
412 | As a system administrator, I can deploy the Pulp REST API exclusively in one process |
413 | As a system administrator, I can deploy the Pulp content serving view exclusively in one process |
414 | 113 | bmbouter | |
415 | 132 | bmbouter | As a system administrator, I can deploy all Pulp web applications inside a virtualenv. |
416 | As a system administrator, I can deploy all Pulp web applications without root permissions. |
417 | 93 | bizhang | |
418 | 1 | bmbouter | ## CLI |
419 | 26 | bmbouter | |
420 | We will use coreapi-cli to generate a one to one mapping of cli commands to rest api schema #3068 |
421 | <span style="color:orange;">We will have a wrapper for coreapi-cli. This wrapper will handle parallel progress reporting</span> |
422 | |||
423 | ## Download API |
424 | |||
425 | As a plugin writer, I can download files via |
426 | |||
427 | - http:// |
428 | 27 | bmbouter | - https:// |
429 | - file:// |
430 | 26 | bmbouter | |
431 | As a plugin writer, I can configure a downloader with: |
432 | |||
433 | - Basic Auth |
434 | - SSL Cert Client Auth |
435 | - Custom CAs will be configured via a "trust store" either on the system or similar. Pulp will not do anything to read/load/manage CAs directly. |
436 | |||
437 | As a plugin writer, I can provide arbitrary behaviors for customized downloaders |
438 | |||
439 | - For example token authentication in the docker plugin |
440 | |||
441 | As a plugin writer, I can have connection pooling/reuse |
442 | |||
443 | As a plugin writer, I have proxy settings |
444 | |||
445 | - proxy url (containing basic auth info) |
446 | |||
447 | 113 | bmbouter | As a plugin writer, I can have great logs |
448 | 26 | bmbouter | |
449 | As an authenticated user, I have documentation about how to use something for bandwidth limiting |
450 | |||
451 | As a plugin writer, I can configure the validation mechanisms used at download time |
452 | |||
453 | 1 | bmbouter | - checksum validation - minimum (md5, sha1, sha256, sha512) |
454 | - size validation |
455 | |||
456 | 26 | bmbouter | <span style="color:red;">As a plugin writer, I expect units that are missing from the remote repository to not be created in Pulp when using the immediate download policy.</span> |
457 | |||
458 | 1 | bmbouter | <span style="color:red;">As a plugin writer, I expect units that are missing from the remote repository to be created in Pulp when using background or on_demand download policies.</span> |
459 | 26 | bmbouter | |
460 | 27 | bmbouter | As a plugin writer, the plugin API provides tooling whereby I can provide the content to be added and removed from the repository. This tooling supports both immediate and deferred downloading. |
461 | 26 | bmbouter | |
462 | As a plugin writer I can manage the catalog by using ChangeSets |
463 | 1 | bmbouter | |
464 | As a plugin writer, the plugin can participate in adding content for cases where the decision to add additional content is based content that has been downloaded. |
465 | |||
466 | 118 | bmbouter | As a plugin writer, I can fetch content myself (but I am not encouraged to do so) with code I write |
467 | |||
468 | 1 | bmbouter | As a plugin writer, I can CRUD content units |
469 | |||
470 | 86 | mhrivnak | ## Migrations only involving Pulp 3 |
471 | 1 | bmbouter | |
472 | 87 | mhrivnak | Users can run "pulp-manager migrate" to migrate the database and adjust state in other locations (filesystem, message broker, ...). \[done\] |
473 | 1 | bmbouter | |
474 | ## Web Server Integration |
475 | 122 | jortel@redhat.com | |
476 | 1 | bmbouter | As a user, I can have content efficiently served to me by Apache by Pulp using the X-SEND response headers. \[done\] |
477 | 122 | jortel@redhat.com | As a user, I can have content efficiently served to me by Nginx by Pulp using the X-Accel-Redirect response headers. \[done\] |
478 | 105 | bmbouter | |
479 | 132 | bmbouter | As a user, I can have an Ansible role to install Apache which enables Apache integration for Pulp and configures Apache to serve Pulp. \[[2921](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/2921)\] |
480 | As a user, I can have an Ansible role to install Nginx which enables Nginx integration for Pulp and configures Nginx to serve Pulp. \[[2922](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/2922)\] |
481 | 87 | mhrivnak | |
482 | 89 | mhrivnak | ## Glossary |
483 | 88 | mhrivnak | |
484 | 131 | bmbouter | Add (Content Unit): An operation causing a new repository version to contain a content unit(s) |
485 | 130 | daviddavis | |
486 | 119 | bmbouter | Applicability - A plugin defined term meaning when a package update available in a repository is applicable to a given consumer as determined by the Consumer Profile. |
487 | 1 | bmbouter | |
488 | Artifact - A file associated with one content (unit). Artifacts are not shared between content (units). Create a content unit using an uploaded file ID as the source for its metadata. Create Artifacts associated with the content unit using an uploaded file ID for each; commit as a single transaction. |
489 | |||
490 | 131 | bmbouter | Content (unit) - A single piece of content manged by Pulp. Each file associated with a content (unit) is called an Artifact. Each content (unit) may have zero or many Artifacts. |
491 | 1 | bmbouter | |
492 | Distribution: Where and how the content app serves a Publication. i.e. http vs https and base path component of the URL. A Distribution defines: |
493 | |||
494 | - the base path of the repository publication (required) |
495 | - serving via http (default=False) |
496 | - serving via https (default=True) |
497 | - relationship w/ a Publisher for auto-distribution (should be allowed to be NULL) |
498 | - relationship with Publication (should be allowed to be NULL) |
499 | 134 | bmbouter | |
500 | 145 | dkliban@redhat.com | Exporter: An Exporter exports a Publication out of Pulp. e.g. rsync exporter exports content to a remote server |
501 | 132 | bmbouter | |
502 | Live API: a viewset endpoint contributed by plugin. For examples see the [associated MVP section](https://pulp.plan.io/projects/pulp/wiki/Pulp_3\_Minimum_Viable_Product#Plugin-Writer-live-APIs) |
503 | 131 | bmbouter | |
504 | Orphan Artifact: An Artifact that is associated with 0 Content Units and 0 Publications |
505 | |||
506 | Orphan Content (unit): A content unit that is a member of 0 repository versions |
507 | |||
508 | Remove (content unit): An operation causing a new repository version to not contain a content unit(s) |
509 | |||
510 | Repository - A named collection of repository versions. |
511 | |||
512 | Repository Version - An immutable set of content which is versioned by a sequential number. |