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pthomas@redhat.com, 02/01/2017 09:13 PM
Pulp 2 12 Test Result Summary¶
Status: [ ] Not Started [ ] In Progress [ ] Paused [ ] Blocked [X ] Finished
Started On: January 12, 2017
Finished On: January 30. 2017
Beta/RC URL: https://repos.fedorapeople.org/pulp/pulp/beta/2.12/
Redmine URL: http://https://pulp.plan.io/issues?query_id=61
The number of new features/stories were limited.Automated tests have increased from 472 in 2.11 to 481 in 2.12 . The jobs were run nightly on EL6, EL7 , Fedora 23 and Fedora 24. Upgrade jobs were run on RC builds. The results were reported and failures were discussed. https://pulp.plan.io/issues/2545 was found during RC1. RC2 was built with the fix. Manual testing was limited to the scenarios that do not yet have pulp smash tests. All the new features have been added to pulp-smash backlog to automate or already automated.
Pulp QE team approves the release of the 2.13 RC to GA.
Beta History
Beta 1: January 12, 2017
RC 1: January 24, 2017
RC 2: January 25, 2017
[[Status: [X] PASSED [ ] FAILED
System: x86_64
RHEL 6.8 RHEL 7.3
Installation PASS PASS
Upgrade PASS PASS]]
2.12 Features and Bugs
New Features
Here are the specific stories done for 2.12:
2525 Failover events should be explicitly logged as such when they occur
2509 Pulp process failure detection and any failover should occur within 30 seconds
2186 As a user, pulp-manage-db refuses to run if other pulp processes are running locally
1939 As a user, I would like to be able to profile Pulp tasks
1268 As a user, orphan content delete reports how many units were deleted
Python Support
1882 Rebuild model to support all package types
140 As a user, I can sync Python packages from another Pulp server
136 As a user, I can upload wheel packages to Pulp
135 As a user, I can synchronize wheels from PyPI
RPM Support
1976 As user, I can have packages sorted in "Packages/$x" directories when published
Docker Support
2189 As a user, I can update docker_tag units without using sync
View this list in redmine:
Issues Addressed
Here are the bug fixes specific to 2.12:
2264 better error reporting during import/association
1488 Deprecate nodes
1321 Commit message requirements for Pulp contributions are out of date and could be better
103 Document the commit message keywords that will interact with Redmine
RPM Support
1823 RPMs partially downloaded
All bug fixes from Pulp 2.11.1 and earlier are also included in Pulp 2.12.
View this list in redmine:
Action Items
The following process improvements will be made as a result of this release
Automation: Continue to Improve automation coverage. And add more matrix to automated upgrade testing.
Manual Testing: Organize manual testing efforts better. Identify areas for upgrade testing and feature testing for manual testing that are not covered in the automation.
Updated by pthomas@redhat.com about 8 years ago · 2 revisions