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bmbouter, 01/17/2018 07:31 PM
Initial content

NOTE: Current a draft. See examples from other projects here:

Key Message

Pulp helps you fetch, upload, organize, and distribute software packages.

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25 Words

Pulp fetches, uploads, organizes, and distributes software packages. For example a Python package. Mirror and mix software repositories, test them, and then go into production.

50 Words

Pulp fetches, uploads, organizes, and distributes software packages. For example a Python or RPM package. Pulp downloads remote packages either immediately or as-needed, or upload your own packages. Then mirror, mix, or organize them, and use Pulp to publish the repository of packages for use by pip, yum/dnf, etc.

100 Words

Pulp fetches, uploads, organizes, and distributes software packages. For example a Python or RPM package. Pulp downloads remote packages either immediately or as-needed, or upload your own packages. Then mirror, mix, or organize them, and use Pulp to publish the repository of packages for use by pip, yum/dnf, etc.

For system administrators, being able to sync packages to test machines before rolling all updates out to consumers increases stability and confidence. Also storing older versions and rolling back changes is easier.

For developers, Pulp can support a continuous integration pipeline that test and versions software against ever-changing dependency stacks.

Updated by bmbouter about 7 years ago · 1 revisions