


2121 Release Status » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (semyers, 01/23/2017 11:47 PM) → Revision 2/28 (semyers, 01/24/2017 11:20 PM)

# 2.12.1 Release Status 

 This release is currently **pending**. 

 2.12.1 can be released after 2.12.0, with the earliest beta of 2.12.1 roughly one week after 2.12.0 becomes Generally Available. 

 [Issues Addressed]( 

 ## Checklist 

 The first item on the list **not** struck through is in progress. 

   - Build date to be determined. 
   - Prerequisites to building: 
       - No open issues blocking this release 
       - No procedural issues blocking this release (such as merge-forward issues, broken CI env, and similar) 
   - test scratch build from beta branch 
   - beta is built from dev branch 

 The rest of the checklist is conditional on whether or not blockers are found in the beta cycle; this page will be updated as the release progresses. See the [[Release Schedule#Release-Stage-Conditions]] for more details.