


Task #8740

Updated by pulpbot over 2 years ago


 **Ticket moved to GitHub**: "pulp/pulpcore/1993": 


 ## Problems 

 1. Currently, when auto-publish creates a publication, for distributions to go live with that the code needs to make a data change on the distribution. Here is [an example]( in pulp_rpm. This requires the sync+publish code to lock on every distribution referencing the repository being sync'd. So instead of a lock like `["repository foo"]` you get `["repository foo", "some distribution" "another distribution", "maybe a third distribution"]`. 

 2. Using both fields doesn't capture the user's intent. If a user wants to have a distribution always publish the latest publication setting the `distribution.repository` captures that nicely. If a user wants to have a distribution distribute a specific version of a publication (even if newer ones get created) setting `distribution.publication` captures that nicely. What we've got though is both fields being used together which captures conflicting requirements, they want the latest publication for a repository, but they also want this specific publication? If the `distribution.publication` is poiting to the latest publication then we're using two pieces of data when we only need one. 

 ## Why did we do it this way? 

 I suspect because it was convenient since the content app already knows how to serve distribution.publication so by setting that data the publication will serve correctly. 

 ## What to do instead? 

 1. For plugins that use publications, have their `Distribution` serializers validate to not allow both `repository` and `publication` at the same time. 
 2. Provide a migration to fix the data in cases where both are used. 
 3. Update the content app to find the latest publication when `MyDistribution.repository` is set and `MyDistribution.publication` is unset. This would happen [here]( This is roughly how the content app auto distributes non-publication plugins, see the implementation [here]( 
