


Story #7464

Updated by pulpbot over 2 years ago


 **Ticket moved to GitHub**: "pulp/pulpcore/1931": 


 ## Background 

 Other plugin code wants to have "downloading" stages too! For example pulp_ansible needs to download `DocsBlogs` and has a custom stage for it. 

 ## The Issue 

 1. The ArtifactDownloader doesn't have customized progress reporting [here]( 

 2. The `ArtifactDownloader` is not a great name when you're not techinically downlading artifacts. 

 ## Proposal 

 1. Rename `ArtifactDownloader` to `GenericDownloader` 
 2. Have the progress reporting "message" be a class attribute named `PROGRESS_REPORTING_MESSAGE` on `GenericDownloader` 
 3. Have the `ArtifactDownloader` subclass `GenericDownloader` and set the `PROGRESS_REPORTING_MESSAGE`. 
