


Task #6953

Updated by pulpbot over 2 years ago


 **Ticket moved to GitHub**: "pulp/pulpcore/1904": 


 Before pulpcore or a plugin is released to PyPI, pulp_installer needs to be tested using a local mirror of PyPI. The local mirror of PyPI can be created using pulpcore and pulp_python.    The goal of this task to create a container image that can be used as the PyPI mirror. 

 The Containerfile for the mirror needs to do the following: 

 1. Install all RPM deps needed for pulpcore and pulp_python 
 2. Install pulpcore and pulp_python 
 3. Run migrations 
 4. Start all the pulpcore-* services 
 5. Create a PythonRemote that has a list of all the deps needed for installing any of the pulpcore plugins (list can be obtained by running 'pip freeze' in virtualenv of a pulp installation.) 
 6. Create a PythonRepository 
 7. Sync repository using the remote 
 8. Create a publication from the repository version created by the sync operation. 
 9. Create a distribution with a base_path of 'pypi'. 
 10. Stop all the services.  

  This image needs to be published to PyPI as "pulp/pulp-ci-pypi-mirror". 
