


Story #9512

Updated by about 3 years ago

~~Container Container signature has a specific path structure `base/namespaces/name@digest-algo=digest-value/signature-index`~~ `base/namespaces/name@digest-algo=digest-value/signature-index` 

 ~~**Example **Example of the URL the client calls during signature verification process**    GET 

 ~~Within Within the URL, `index` is a decimal integer (in the canonical form), starting with 1. Signatures are stored at URLs with successive index values; to read all of them, clients start with index=1, and continue reading signatures and increasing index as long as signatures with these index values exist.~~ 

 ~~Similarly, exist.  

 Similarly, to add one more signatures to an image, one would need find the first index which does not exist, and then store the new signature using that index value.~~ value. 

 ~~For For these reasons, it is not advised to provide a DELETE    API, and the only way a signature would be removed from the sigstore would be with the image removal itself.~~ 

 This is no longer true since we're adding signature api extentions. We'd still not allow signature removal api. The only way a signature would be removed from the registry would be with the image removal itself. 

 **More info on the signature protocols**
