


Issue #8791

Updated by ttereshc about 3 years ago

While working with Different RPM content types, and listing them, I hit the below error. 

 In [24]: rpm_content_package_categories.list(limit='500', repository_version='/pulp/api/v3/repositories/rpm/rpm/954de407-6872-4e62-b3d8-6019d30809aa/versions/1/', fields='pulp_href')                                                                                                                                  [11/15244] 
 ValueError                                  Traceback (most recent call last) 
 <ipython-input-24-2e19224fcdff> in <module> 
 ----> 1 rpm_content_package_categories.list(limit='500', repository_version='/pulp/api/v3/repositories/rpm/rpm/954de407-6872-4e62-b3d8-6019d30809aa/versions/1/', fields='pulp_href') 

 /opt/bats/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pulpcore/client/pulp_rpm/api/ in list(self, **kwargs) 
      68           """ 
      69           kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True 
 ---> 70           return self.list_with_http_info(**kwargs)    # noqa: E501 
      72       def list_with_http_info(self, **kwargs):    # noqa: E501 

 /opt/bats/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pulpcore/client/pulp_rpm/api/ in list_with_http_info(self, **kwargs) 
     167           auth_settings = ['basicAuth', 'cookieAuth']    # noqa: E501 
 --> 169           return self.api_client.call_api( 
     170               '/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packagecategories/', 'GET', 
     171               path_params, 

 /opt/bats/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pulpcore/client/pulp_rpm/ in call_api(self, resource_path, method, path_params, query_params, header_params, body, post_params, files, response_type, auth_settings, async_req, _return_http_data_only, collection_formats, _preload_content, _request_timeout, _host) 
     363           """ 
     364           if not async_req: 
 --> 365               return self.__call_api(resource_path, method, 
     366                                      path_params, query_params, header_params, 
     367                                      body, post_params, files, 

 /opt/bats/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pulpcore/client/pulp_rpm/ in __call_api(self, resource_path, method, path_params, query_params, header_params, body, post_params, files, response_type, auth_settings, _return_http_data_only, collection_formats, _preload_content, _request_timeout, _host) 
     207           # deserialize response data 
     208           if response_type: 
 --> 209               return_data = self.deserialize(response_data, response_type) 
     210           else: 
     211               return_data = None 

 /opt/bats/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pulpcore/client/pulp_rpm/ in deserialize(self, response, response_type) 
     279               data = 
 --> 281           return self.__deserialize(data, response_type) 
     283       def __deserialize(self, data, klass): 

 /opt/bats/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pulpcore/client/pulp_rpm/ in __deserialize(self, data, klass) 
     318               return self.__deserialize_datetime(data) 
     319           else: 
 --> 320               return self.__deserialize_model(data, klass) 
     322       def call_api(self, resource_path, method, 

 /opt/bats/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pulpcore/client/pulp_rpm/ in __deserialize_model(self, data, klass) 
     657                   if klass.attribute_map[attr] in data: 
     658                       value = data[klass.attribute_map[attr]] 
 --> 659                       kwargs[attr] = self.__deserialize(value, attr_type) 
     661           instance = klass(**kwargs) 

 /opt/bats/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pulpcore/client/pulp_rpm/ in __deserialize(self, data, klass) 
     295               if klass.startswith('list['): 
     296                   sub_kls = re.match(r'list\[(.*)\]', klass).group(1) 
 --> 297                   return [self.__deserialize(sub_data, sub_kls) 
     298                           for sub_data in data] 

 /opt/bats/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pulpcore/client/pulp_rpm/ in <listcomp>(.0) 
     295               if klass.startswith('list['): 
     296                   sub_kls = re.match(r'list\[(.*)\]', klass).group(1) 
 --> 297                   return [self.__deserialize(sub_data, sub_kls) 
     298                           for sub_data in data] 

 /opt/bats/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pulpcore/client/pulp_rpm/ in __deserialize(self, data, klass) 
     318               return self.__deserialize_datetime(data) 
     319           else: 
 --> 320               return self.__deserialize_model(data, klass) 
     322       def call_api(self, resource_path, method, 

 /opt/bats/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pulpcore/client/pulp_rpm/ in __deserialize_model(self, data, klass) 
     659                       kwargs[attr] = self.__deserialize(value, attr_type) 
 --> 661           instance = klass(**kwargs) 
     663           if has_discriminator: 

 /opt/bats/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pulpcore/client/pulp_rpm/models/ in __init__(self, pulp_href, pulp_created, id, name, description, display_order, group_ids, desc_by_lang, name_by_lang, digest, local_vars_configuration) 
      82           if pulp_created is not None: 
      83               self.pulp_created = pulp_created 
 ---> 84  = id 
      85  = name 
      86           self.description = description 

 /opt/bats/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pulpcore/client/pulp_rpm/models/ in id(self, id) 
     156           """ 
     157           if self.local_vars_configuration.client_side_validation and id is None:    # noqa: E501 
 --> 158               raise ValueError("Invalid value for `id`, must not be `None`")    # noqa: E501 
     160           self._id = id 

 ValueError: Invalid value for `id`, must not be `None` 

 This appears to be due to the fact that numerous content types have "mandatory" fields, and if specifying fields = 'xyz' when performing a list, and a mandatory field is not included, you get a stack trace akin to the above. 

 I think, if there are required/mandatory fields for specific content, then the fields provided to list should be appended to a pre-defined list of mandatory fields. 

 Examples of mandatory fields. 

 distribution trees: header_version, release_name, release_short, release_version, release_is_layered, arch, build_timestamp, addons, checksums, images, variants   
 Module MD Defaults: module, stream, profiles   
 ModuleMD's: name, stream, versino, context, arch   
 Package Categories: id, name, description, digest   
 Package Environments: id, name, description, digest   
 Package Groups, id, name, description, digest   
 Metadata: relative_path, data_type, checksum_type, checksum   


 Not sure if this sort of issue is also applicable to other plugins.
