Task #8386
Updated by bmbouter almost 4 years ago
These were [deprecated with 3.12](https://pulp.plan.io/issues/8385). 3.12](). ## Things to do 1. Remove `BaseDistribution`, `BaseDistributionViewset`, `BaseDistributionSerializer` and `DistributionFilter` entirely from the code and the plugin API. 2. Delete the `BasePathOverlapMixin` object and move its code into the `DistributionSerializer`. 3. Update the `DistributionSerializer.validate_base_path` to only consider the `Distribution` model and not the `BaseDistribution` model. 4. Update the `DistributionSerializer.name` validator to disinclude `BaseDistribution` 5. Update the Content app's `Handler._match_distribution` to only match on `Distribution` and disinclude `BaseDistribution`.