Story #8384
Updated by bmbouter over 3 years ago
1. Create a new MasterModel named `Distribution`. This would have these fields: * All the existing fields from `BaseDistribution` [see here]( * Include all of the fields from the `PublicationDistribution` and `RepositoryVersionDistribution` models also, this includes the: `publication`, `repository`, and `repository_version` fields 2. Create corresponding Serializer and Viewset. These will be similar to the [`BaseDistributionSerializer`]( and [`BaseDistributionViewset`]( 3. Handle the pulpcore plugin code that deals with these detail types to ensure a mixutre of detail inheriting from `BaseDistribution` and `Distribution` can cooperate together. * base path overlap, the [code here]( needs to be updated for both models to consider base path overlaps from both models. * name field uniqueness. We need to have uniqueness of the name apply across both models * The [content app]( needs to be prepared to read/handle data from both `BaseDistribution` and `Distribution`. NOTE: while doing this work, the author should also implement at the same time.