Task #8322
Updated by bmbouter over 3 years ago
In 3.10, the default for ALLOWED_CONTENT_CHECKSUMS included md5 and sha1. In 3.11, it does not. ## Problem If the user hasn't manually brought back md5 and sha1 in the `ALLOWED_CONTENT_CHECKSUMS` setting, this will present a problem at upgrade time when the `pulpcore-manager migrate` goes to run. Specifically Pulp will refuse to run the `migrate` because Artifacts have md5 and sha1 from <3.11 and the user (and installer) never ran `pulpcore-migrate handle-artifact-checksums`. ## Experience the problem 1. Install a 3.10 version of pulp 2. Use pulp_file to sync Sync down `https://fixtures.pulpproject.org/file/PULP_MANIFEST` https://fixtures.pulpproject.org/rpm-with-md5/ 3. Upgrade to 3.11 and attempt to run migrations (you'll experience the 3.11 failure here) 4. Even if you can get around the migrations running when Pulp goes to start you'll then experience the problem again at Pulp start time. ## Solution Have pulpcore ship a migration with 3.11 that runs the `pulpcore-migrate handle-artifact-checksums` command from the migration itself. Users can set the `ALLOWED_CONTENT_CHECKSUMS` to the checksums they desire prior to starting pulpcore 3.11 and if they do nothing this migration will ensure the don't encounter a problem. Additionally this check here needs to not perform the check for the `migrate` command also: https://github.com/pulp/pulpcore/blob/master/pulpcore/app/settings.py#L312 Otherwise the migration itself won't be able to run to resolve the problem.