


Story #8258

Updated by bmbouter over 3 years ago

## Motivation 

 The installer's FIPS features are described [here]( This is problematic in a few ways. 

 1) Pulp is on the hook to rebase the [django-forked-and-patched]( everytime upstream Django puts out a CVE release. This puts Pulp on the critical path for CVE releases, which is not a good arrangement. 
 2) Users are using bits in production that aren't available on PyPI. This is unusual 
 3) The installer adjusts the value for `ALLOWED_CONTENT_CHECKSUMS` instead of letting pulpcore's default prevail. With 3.11 md5 and sha-1 are being removed, so the installer should no longer adjust this. 

 ## Solution 

 * Remove the [FIPS docs page]( 
 * Remove the installer codepaths related to FIPS 
 * No longer install the branched checkout and instead receive Django from PyPI as usual. 
 * Provide some documented instructions for dev environments on Take down the django and pulpcore patches they need to apply for dev environments (since the installer will no longer do this). branch
