


Task #8202

Updated by bmbouter over 3 years ago

### Potentially needing to be write_only 
 * username 
 * password 
 * proxy_url 
 * proxy_username - not yet merged, but soon 
 * proxy_password - not yet merged, but soon 
 * client_cert 
 * client_key 

 ### bmbouter's recommendations 
 * username - yes because this can be significant 
 * password - yes, definitely 
 * proxy_url - no, but it's debatable. Users could set username/password in this. Perhaps we could have the validation disable users from doing that. That would be good. Being able to read back the proxy_url is important for users I think. 
 * proxy_username - yes because this can be significant 
 * proxy_password - yes, definitly 
 * client_cert - no, certs aren't useful without the key 
 * client_key - yes, definitly 

 ### Filter implications 

 To not leak data we can no longer offer filtering of these fields. The FilterSet needs to be adjusted with this work to disinclude these fields. 
