


Task #1200

Updated by bmbouter almost 9 years ago

Each repo has 'lazy passive' or 'lazy active' enabled by setting a key named 'lazy_sync' whose value takes on either 'active' or 'passive'. These configs are read by each plugin's implementation of the 'sync' importer. Those sync importers need to adjust their code flow to do the following when lazy_sync is set: 

 * Build "the unit catalog" 
 * If lazy_sync is set at to any value, "passive" sync the metadata and do not download non-metadata units. This will need to be done in each plugin's implementation of the sync handler. FYI, the plugin specific code that is "called by the platform sync task here": 

 The handling of the all. 
 * If lazy_sync = active case can be 100% in platform code. The task it is calling (#1119) is plugin agnostic, and also all it needs set to do is dispatch "active" sync the task metadata and save the spawned kick of an asynchronous task on the TaskResult for the sync. I recommend "doing this here": One important point is that the publish spawned described in task needs to be listed *before* the generic #1119 download task. If it is not done in this order then the CLI won't show sync, then publish, then the status of the generic #1119. Instead it would should sync, a long delay while #1119 completes, and *then* the publish which on a large repo sync would not be a great CLI experience. #1199
