


Issue #6735

Updated by bmbouter about 4 years ago

## Background 

 The BaseRemote.ca_cert and BaseRemote.client_cert fields the current serializers tell the user "All new line characters must be escaped". You can see that [here]( 

 There are two issues with this: 

 1. It's not needed. For example pulp-certguard allows users to submit certs without modification, they are saved in the database, and openssl uses them correctly. 

 2. It's extra work for users. 

 ## Solution 

 1. Update the serializers to not have newlines escaped 
 2. Audit the handling of these fields throughout the code and remove any "unescaping" that is done 
 3. Add a `.removal` release note indicating this is a breaking change and users will need to re-save their ca_cert and client_cert fields 
 4. Audit client_key as well just for good measure 
 5. Add a test that sync's content where a ca_cert is required 
 6. Add a test that sync's content where a client_cert and client_key is required 

 ## How to add these tests? 

 These tests will use the Red Hat CDN and will use a test certificate and key registered to pulp-infra, along with the master ca_cert of the Red Hat CDN. The test certs will be stored as a Travis secret and made available to the tests via environment variables. If the test goes to run and the environment variables are not present the test should skip. 
