


Task #6409

Updated by over 4 years ago

pulp-smash currently supports three types of transports for the CLI client: local, ssh, and kubectl. When Pulp 3 is deployed using Podman (in a single container), none of the existing transports can be used to execute commands inside the container. In these instances, 'podman' needs to be used to execute a command. The podman command needs to be executed locally in the following manner: 

 podman exec -it pulp-container-name /some/command --with-argument 

 kubectl needs to be used to discover the pulp-api pod name. This should occur once when the CLI client is instantiated.  

 pulp-smash users will be able to specify the following config to run tests against pulp 3 in a container running with podman: 
     "pulp": { 
         "auth": ["admin", "admin"], 
         "selinux enabled": false, 
         "version": "3" 
     "hosts": [ 
             "hostname": "localhost", 
             "roles": { 
                 "api": {"port": 24817, "scheme": "http", "service": "nginx"}, 
                 "content": {"port": 24816, "scheme": "http", "service": "pulp_content_app"}, 
                 "pulp resource manager": {}, 
                 "pulp workers": {}, 
                 "redis": {}, 
                 "shell": {"transport": "podman"} 
