


Issue #5687

Updated by about 4 years ago

I have installed pulp3 using the Ansible role. However, when trying to set `AWS_DEFAULT_ACL = None` (in order to configure `django-storages` properly) through Ansible, I have stumbled into issues. 


 Writing `aws_default_acl: None` in the `pulp_settings` variable gets rendered to `AWS_DEFAULT_ACL = "None"`, not `AWS_DEFAULT_ACL = None`. My Ansible playbook runs fine, but when I try to sync a repo, the ACL seems to get passed as a file location to `django-storages`, yielding the somewhat cryptic error for the sync task 


 "An error occurred (InvalidArgument) when calling the PutObject operation: None" 


 I have also tried setting `aws_default_acl` to `~`, `null` and leaving it empty. All of these get rendered as `AWS_DEFAULT_ACL = null`, which yields an error when trying to run the Ansible playbook: 


 TASK [pulp-database : Run database auth migrations] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 
 fatal: [xx.xx.xx.xx]: FAILED! =>  
 PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 
 xx.xx.xx.xx               : ok=49     changed=0      unreachable=0      failed=1      skipped=20     rescued=0      ignored=0 
