


Story #5731

Updated by daviddavis about 5 years ago

h2. Problem 

 The workflow we have for errata merge: 

 1. During sync, we create Create new errata records and associate them to a repo version via RepositoryContent 
 2. In finalize_new_version we merge Merge errata in the new version 
 3. Then we remove Remove original errata which may have been just added in step 1 

 The problem is that the RepositoryContent content in step 1 still gets created and therefore will exist. It's useless and misleading to users. We have to add an extra step to delete these records. useless. 

 h2. Solution 

 In pulpcore, after After finalize_new_version gets called, add a step which looks for any of these useless RepositoryContent where version_added and version_removed both point to your new version.
